All KIPP schools are public charter schools. KIPP is a non-profit network of 270 college-preparatory, public charter schools educating early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school students.
Charter schools are tuition-free public schools and enrollment is open to all students. They are independently operated schools that run with more flexibility than traditional public schools in exchange for increased accountability.
Every KIPP school is approved to operate by a charter school authorizer—typically a district school board, university, or state department of education—that makes sure the school is living up to the commitments in its charter and complies with relevant federal, state, and local requirements. KIPP schools are primarily funded through public federal, state, and local dollars, along with supplemental funding through charitable donations from foundations and individuals.
Like all public schools, charter schools are:
- Tuition-free and part of the free public school system
- Held to state and federal academic standards
- Open to all students, including those with disabilities
- Funded primarily through a combination of federal, state, and local tax dollars
- Not affiliated with or restricted to a particular religious group
KIPP schools are part of a national network of schools that operate with support from the KIPP Foundation. The nonprofit KIPP Foundation trains and develops outstanding educators to lead KIPP schools; provides tools, resources and training for excellent teaching and learning; promotes innovation; and facilitates the exchange of insights and ideas both within the KIPP network and with partners including other public schools, non-profit organizations, and institutions of higher learning.
KIST(KIPP Inspired School in Taiwan)
美國的 KIPP(Knowledge Is Power Program)公辦民營學校以「努力學習、友善待人」(Work hard. Be nice.)為校訓,將堅毅、樂觀等七個品格置於教育的核心。自 1994 年成立至今,KIPP 在美國弱勢學區成立了 200 餘所學校,有 96% 學生來自社會底層或少數族裔,但根據 2014 年的報告指出,KIPP 的學生完成大學學業的比例高達 44%,比其他成長於同環境的孩子高出五倍。 1KIPP 關注弱勢族群、強調品格的教學,成立超過 20 年且擴散至全美,與誠致的使命及「三不原則」不謀而合,因此自 2014 年實驗教育三法通過後,誠致教育基金會即積極與 KIPP 建立合作關係,期許以其成功經驗為鷹架,並萃取台灣在地化模式,發展為台灣的 KIST(KIPP Inspired School in Taiwan)體系學校。
2014 年 11 月,立法院通過實驗教育三法,為了建構給孩子公平發展天賦的舞台,誠致借鏡美國最大的公辦民營學校 KIPP,以「努力學習、友善待人」為校訓,萃取並在地化發展出 KIST 教育理念,期望幫助偏鄉學生培養取得成功所需的知識、技能和品格力。目前誠致共經營六所 KIST 公辦民營學校。
品格力是 KIST 教育發展的核心之一,此系列課程以品格鍛鍊為主軸,從建造大架構、經營微時刻、設計雙重目的課程與品格追蹤工具四面向說明,輔以現場案例、概念摘要與實作引導單,使教學者對於 KIST 品格教育有初步認識,進而實踐在課堂中,創造充滿「品」味的學習場域。