為了2030 雙語國家的政策,台灣的教育界已經動起來了。目前施行的雙語課程中,多以非學科的課程,像是: 綜合,藝術與人文,健康與體育等等,可是未來的趨勢是 學科也要雙語化,所以老師們除了要具備雙語課程的設計能力,明確的知道雙語課程的教學目標,最後也要能正確地使用 學科課程的專業術語等等。
Supporting English Language Learners in Math Class, Grades K-2
This lesson-based series gives teachers the essential tools for simultaneously meeting math content goals and language development goals. Teachers will get a wealth of strategies and activities for modifying their instruction as well as sentence frame structures and dozens of instant-use reproducibles. Grades K-2
Supporting English Language Learners in Math Class, Grades 3-5
This lesson-based series gives teachers the essential tools for simultaneously meeting math content goals and language development goals. Teachers will get a wealth of strategies and activities for modifying their instruction as well as sentence frame structures and dozens of instant-use reproducibles. Grades 3-5
Supporting English Language Learners in Math Class, Grades 6-8
This new addition to Math Solutions Supporting English Language Learners in Math Class series offers a wealth of lessons and strategies for modifying grades 6-8 instruction. Section I presents an overview of teaching math to English learners: the research, the challenges, the linguistic demands of a math lesson, and specific strategies and activities that simultaneously support learning English and learning math. Section II features math lessons modified for English learners