To prevent the spread out of Coronavirus, the US government urged the school to lock down and conducted online teaching. It's a difficult time for teachers and students, but to think positively we can put self-learning into practice and to see how technology can help us to move forward.To prevent the spread out of Coronavirus, the US government urged the school to lock down and conducted online teaching. It's a difficult time for teachers and students, but to think positively we can put self-learning into practice and to see how technology can help us to move forward.
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Why Online teaching
為防治武漢肺炎疫情在校園擴散,本部訂定以下停課標準,高級中等以下學校停課期程為 14 天:
1一班有 1 位師生被列為確定病例,該 班 停課。 2. 一 校有 2 位以上師生被列為確定病例,該校停課。 3. 一 鄉鎮市區有 3 分之 1 學校全校停課,該鄉鎮市區停課。
zoom work shop
美國已經開始線上教學了,有些教授使用 Google Meet, 有些教授使用zoom , 當然線上也有一些 app 像是 clickmeeting 等等。本人最近線上參加了神秘的研習,習得了一些基本的技巧 ,整理了一下跟大家分享,當然我可以分享的是 如何線上教學的部分以及基本的操作,如果大家要進階功能 ,可以參考 新北之光 呂聰賢 老師的 YouTube
聰賢老師是難得的資訊人才,積極獲取新知同時又不吝嗇分享,新北能有您,真的很驕傲呀。聰賢老師已經摸透了所有可能線上教學的軟體並且把他們一個個拍成影片,讓老師們好操作,那麼感人的老師,請多給他鼓勵唷。 (歡迎 訂閱他的頻道 記得開啟小鈴鐺 )
How to use zoom
As for students, all they need is a smart phone, i-pad, laptop, or computer. ( As for computer you need a earset ,a microphone and a webcam)
Teachers have to demonstrate in the computer lab, or if you have enough i-pads at school. It's essential for all the students or parents know how to operate the app.
As for teachers, they have a lot to do.
Detail PDF (台北市 怡君 老师 )
ZOOM 操作教學 ( 中崙高中鄧智文同學編輯 )
1. have an account of ZOOM. US ( remember to go to to register to have the 100 people capability. )
2. set up your zoom account ID ( recommend : don't set up password )
3. make a trial lesson with students to see if they can access through zoom, ask them to speak and type.
4. make your ppt and upload through google drive ( to save as a PDF )
5. A few basic function you can use
- share your slide - upload your ppt to google drive
- share a link - youtube / website
- share the white board - interactive white board and you can practice writing with students.
- share you screen - show them how to operate
6.. Make other online materials that students can practice on their own.
Google form
some functions you may use
- group discuss
When you entered zoom, you have to go to seting - meeting - advanced - to turn on the function of breakout rooms
Then, you can host a meeting, and you will see "Breakout rooms" function in the bar.
What can we teach through zoom
We all resposibile teachers and all we want is to create a nice and safe learning environment. For the beginning of online teaching, both teachers and students need some time to get familiar with the new system. Thus, I will recommend that you can have some a review lesson, share some picture books you loved, or introduce a festival from other countries.
How to set up my lesson plan ?
I introduce two ways of teaching toward different levels of students
As for grade one to three
I will recommend to greet with every one in the very beginning of the class to make them feel the teacher cares about them and the teacher is watching you.
Next, we will play a song that may accordance with your topic.
Then, we will have twenty minutes for today's lesson
Finally, we do a quick wrap up. As for me, I will show them some nice websites that can help students self-learning like starfall.
Do wave your hands to say good bye by calling their names to keep their interests for the next lesson.
As for grade four to six
I will recommend that greeting with every one by calling their names in the first two minutes and using chat to ask Ss to type in some sentences like My name is.. to review the sentence pattern they had learned before. the main point is to keep Ss busy.
Next, we will have about thirty mintes to operate our class. You can use ppt or white to interact with your students.
Finally, we do a quick wrap up. As for me, I will show them some nice websites that can help students self-learning like google quiz
Do wave your hands to say good bye by calling their names to keep their interests for the next lesson.
As for security
Here are some tips from the FBI, Zoom and other experts to prevent Zoombombing:
· Keep meetings and classrooms private. Do this by requiring a meeting password. Additionally, the "Waiting Room" feature can help hosts control who enters.
· Do not share invites to Zoom meetings on social media. Instead, send the meeting password directly to attendees.
· Use a random meeting ID, so it can't be shared multiple times. According to Zoom's website, this is safer than using a "Personal Meeting ID."
· Change screensharing settings to "Only Host," so no one but the host can control the screen. The host can also mute participants in their settings.
· Lock a Zoom session that has already begun so no one else can join. Do this by clicking "Participants" in the bottom of a Zoom window, then clicking "Lock Meeting."
· Remove participants by hovering over their name in the Participants menu, and clicking the "Remove" option. The removed participant will not be allowed back in, according to Zoom's website.
· The FBI advises users to make sure they have the most updated version of Zoom's software. A recent security update added default passwords and disabled the ability to scan for meetings to join.
線上教學系列講座 ( 主講人為鄭博仁老師 )
Q & A ( Made by Lee Mark)