線上會議/研習 軟體推薦 ZOOM
我最近參加了幾場線上會議跟線上研習,研習比較國際化,來自全世界的語言教學者,只要網路夠順利,其實流程 run 的很順利,一個小時的研習中,講師透過發問互動,問題留言等等,重點是喊了每個人的名字,讓我們感覺不是在看電視而是真實的線上研習,跟大家分享我看到的 online teaching.
Online teaching skills
How to interact with your audience?
Interaction with the audience is one of the key point of online teaching. Here is some suggestions of online teaching:
1. Get closer to the audience by calling their names.
When the audience get into the meeting, they will show their names on the screen. Speaker can greet with the audience by calling their name in the beginning of the meeting. Do Indicate the specific time that we are going to have a lecture, or the audience might do something else.
As for online teaching, you don't have to wait everybody to get in the class to have a lecture. You have to train your students to be punctuacte so that you may start the class on time.
the rundown of a online teaching
Greet - ask the audience background (Keep the audience busy) - self introduction - agenda - lecture - question - wrap up
2. Photo is more than words, if you want to put words, keyword or keypoint ONLY.
While you are making the slide, BIG & CLEAR word is important as well. Not everyone has the computer or ipad, and some of them might use smart phone. Thus, we have to make sure the word is big and clear enough for the audience. Besides, Photo is more than words and just leave some key points in the slide.
For example, as a speaker, you can introduce yourself through a series photos or keywords and then to let the audience to picture you on their own.
3. How to make interaction?
Asking questions and inviting the audience to reply by speaking or typing in the chat
Before the lecture, you can ask the audience's background. Where are you from? What age of students do you teach? Do you have special concerns about the topic? Do you have any questions that I can help with?
During the lecture, you can ask questions to check the audience's background knowledge.
Waiting time is very important. You can pause a few seconds to wait the audience to type the answer; meanwhile, you can read some fast answers. Don't forget to calling their names. You can pause and invite somebody to answer the question. Repeat the answer again by using, "Mary said, " " "
Somehow slides make students fall asleep, so switch the lens to make the eye contact.
How to get ready to online class?
下週就要開始使用 ZOOM 試上 線上課程,事前已經跟學生要求下載軟體,並且利用最後一次上課全班做測試,包含如何參加會議,發問等等。
如何操作 Zoom
跟學生預約一個時間,提早五分鐘開會議室,讓學生登入( 學生需要輸入你的課室密碼) ,等到學生登入完成後,share 教材( 可以先上傳到Google drive ) , 開始上課,課間可以邀請學生使用打字回答問題,或是使用麥克風發言等等。由於 Zoom 只能使用40分鐘,所以課後我利用Google form 做了簡單的 quiz 讓學生操作。
More skills of ZOOM
如果大家要進階功能 ,可以參考 新北之光 呂聰賢 老師的 YouTube 。聰賢老師是難得的資訊人才,積極獲取新知同時又不吝嗇分享,新北能有您,真的很驕傲呀。聰賢老師已經摸透了所有可能線上教學的軟體並且把他們一個個拍成影片,讓老師們好操作,那麼感人的老師,請多給他鼓勵唷。 (歡迎 訂閱他的頻道 記得開啟小鈴鐺 )
If you want to know more about how to operate Zoom with more skills, I would recommend a teacher in New Taipei City called 呂聰賢. Mr. Lu is not only a teacher but also a famous youtuber. Mr. Lu devoted himself in technology Education and He is always willing to share what he learned with everyone through different workshops or his youtube channel. I feel very proud because we have such a excellent Teacher in New Taipei City.
Youtube ZOOM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-a_8yGyXzo&list=PLU-8o76TOvQW7af1kykODPSqbmNpTFGm6
Zoom 免費版設定100人連線步驟 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83z85-QsThw
ZOOM設定功能說明 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4EHSExhf6M
為停課做準備-給老師們的 ZOOM 操作教學 (鄧智文老師編輯)
這篇文章主要提供幾個對於老師必須要知道的 ZOOM 技巧,希望能提供到幫助!
參與clickmeeting 線上研習
1. 主螢幕 : 可以看到講師本人
2. Slide 講議本人
3. Chat room 可以發問等等
兩個軟體都滿好上手, 推薦給大家