Business acronyms
ASAP(as soon as possible 盡快)
BTW(by the way 順帶一提)
FYI(for your information 供你參考(郵件常用)
FYR(for your reference 供你參考)
FYU(for your use 供你使用)
RSVP(Répondez s’il vous plait 法文的請回覆)
TBA(to be announced 待公佈)
TBD(to be determined 待決定)
TOS(terms of service 服務條款)
TYT(take your time 別著急、慢慢來)
WFH(work from home 在家辦公)
CDO(chief data officer 首席數據長)
CEO(chief executive officer 首席執行長)
HR(human resources 人力資源)
PM(project manager 專案經理)
1. tbh:to be honest 老實說
2. lmao:laugh my ass off 笑到不行、超爆笑
2-1 “lol” (laugh out loud)
3. ttyl:talk to you later 晚點聊
4. idk:I don’t know 我不知道
5. aka:as known as 也就是、以…為人所知
6. ILY – I Love You
7. IRL – In Real Life
8. NP – No Problem
9. POS – Parents Over Shoulder 父母在旁,不便說話
10. XOXO – Hugs and Kisses
11. OIC – Oh, I See
12. OMG – Oh My God!
13. OT – Off Topic 偏題
14. plz:please 拜託
15. thx:thanks 謝謝
16. tmr:tomorrow 明天
17. ppl:people 人們、大家