這次去彰化擔任繪本研習的講師,每個老師除了要上課之外,也要合作產出教案,我何其幸運能夠觀看到五個精彩的教案。感謝老師們的認真,讓我有了很多點子。That's not Santa 這本書非常適合小朋友閱讀,文字簡單,圖片大方。針對語言,可以延伸衣服,職業等;針對文化可以延伸到世界上不同的聖誕老人的穿著;活動設計的部分,老師們設計有fashion show 聖誕老人裝扮,我本人滿愛畫圖猜猜樂,跟大家分享唷。

彰化小組1. That's not Santa   That's not Santa  

It's December 24th and Santa can't find his red suit. No red suit. No Christmas! What will Santa do?
That's Not Santa! is a perfect early reader for young children to enjoy over and over, and Santa's silly solutions for saving Christmas will delight everyone all year long!

彰化小組1. That's not Santa

照片來源 AMAZON 博客來  https://www.books.com.tw/products/F016160325?sloc=main

彰化小組1. That's not Santa youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SswGXPrfwMg


彰化小組1. That's not Santa 教案設計

第一堂課 : XMAS 單字教學 

Warm up:

Suggestopedia  - teacher offers physical surroundings and atmosphere in the classroom. 


presentation : 

Teacher uses real objects or pictures to introduce Xmas word. Then, Teacher uses TPR to present each word again. 

while demostrating a word, don't forget phonics rules, catch up with the words they had learned before, and give more examples. 


彰化小組1. That's not Santa Game: bomb word 

Teacher sets up a bomb word, when you see the bomb word you have to BE QUIET. 

彰化小組1. That's not Santa Game : back to back  

invite three to five students to come to the front and hold a flash card on their back. ( they don't know the card) 

1. they have to tell teacher others' word 

2. they have to tell teacher the word on their back



Invite Ss to draw a Xmas tree with words and different colors. 



第二堂課 story telling  + 第三堂課 storyline 

Warm up:  

review the words with game ( bomb / back to back ) 

Teacher shows the website below and tell Ss there are all different Santa around the world. Teacher shows one from UK and one from Russia. Invite Ss to tell the differences between the Santa in their mind and the Santa around the world.

彰化小組1. That's not Santa SANTA AROUND THE WORLD 



ask some questions before reading this book 

1. what does SANTA wear in his real life? 

2. Does he wear red suit everyday?

3. What does  Santa wear when he is off duty? 

4. Does Santa have other jobs? 



Ask some question to make sure Ss are with you

Ask Ss about their experiences, do they have similar experiences?  


 review the story with storyline 


彰化小組1. That's not Santa Word bank: pirate suit , baseball suit, clown suit , cowboy suit , firefighter suit, red suit , elf suit 



第四堂課  introduce more clothing words

( before the class, remind Ss to bring some interesting clothings or accessories to the class.) 

老師也可以利用 Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do 這本繪本教單字~。

彰化小組1. That's not Santa    Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do

Who wears what to work? The clues in each lively verse can be spotted hanging from the clotheslines. A mail carrier's uniform, the artist's brushes, and the chef's apron all hang from the clothesline. Then turn the page to learn which professionals wear and use the special gear in the jobs they do. Clever illustrations show the workers helping one another, and in the end, everyone joins together for a celebration that is out of this world. A perfect choice for reading aloud and encouraging kids to join in the guessing and reveal.

彰化小組1. That's not Santa

photo credit 博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F013177317?sloc=main

彰化小組1. That's not Santa 作者介紹

Kathryn Heling and Deborah Hembrook are the co-authors of several books for children, including I Wish I Had Glasses Like Rosa (Raven Tree Press, 2010); and Mouse Makes Words: A Phonics Reader (Random House, 2010). Kathryn and Deborah both live in Wisconsin.

Warm up: use the real objects to introduce new words 

practice :

彰化小組1. That's not Santa Game : back to back  

invite three to five students to come to the front and hold a flash card on their back. ( they don't know the card) 

1. they have to tell teacher others' word with a sentence. "He is wearing  ________"

2. they have to tell teacher the word on their back  "I am wearing __________" 

彰化小組1. That's not Santa A+ : for higher level students, you can ask students to make a longer sentence by adding time, place and so on. 


production : Santa fashion show 

Devide the class into groups and each group will have a bag of clothings. 

give them five minutes to dress up the Santa and the other five minutes to write a sentence to describe Santa. 

Group presentation ( fashion show ) - vote  - 



Warm up:  

teacher shows Santa in pirate suit and invites Ss to decribe it in detail. 

Santa is wearing a black hat. 

Santa is wearing a white shirt.

Santa is wearing black pants.   


teacher gives each group a Santa's picture and invite them to write as many sentences as they can.  ( five minutes. 

Teacher collect each group's worksheet and read out the sentences and invite Ss to guess whicg suit does Santa wear today? 

彰化小組1. That's not Santa Word bank: pirate suit , baseball suit, clown suit , cowboy suit , firefighter suit, red suit , elf suit 


practice Santa's closet 

In the story, we found that Santa had many clothings. Please work together to help Santa to decide what is he wearing for a week. Please draw just one cloth or accessories on the post-it and paste on the day you want. 

 ( devide Ss into groups and give each group a post-it. Students can draw on the post-it and paste on the worksheet.  ) 






























彰化小組1. That's not Santa Game : who is he? 

Group presentation  : 

each group show the post-it and read "He is wearing ____, _____ and _____." Others say, "He is wearing _____ suit."

彰化小組1. That's not Santa Word bank: pirate suit , baseball suit, clown suit , cowboy suit , firefighter suit, red suit , elf suit  


production : draw 7 role you like 

devide the class into groups and give each group a poster and invite Ss to draw 7 roles they like and hide them under the day.

彰化小組1. That's not Santa roles like 鬼滅之刃,佩佩豬 and so on. 


彰化小組1. That's not Santa Game : who is he? 

Group presentation  : 

each group show the post-it and read "He is wearing ____, _____ and _____. Who is he?" 

other group has to guess the role they draw. 




- Art Gallery 

put all the poster on the wall and give each students two dots which can paste on the work they like. 



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