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如何培養英語閱讀能力 ? 


 如何在小學階段培養英語閱讀能力呢? 讓我們先看看母語者的作法 : 

  美國學英文閱讀  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWeDUcKu8tA



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Dino on the GO 7 U3&4 單字句型


listen to music, play baseball, play basketball, play football, ride a bike, surf the Internet, go jogging, watch TV, get up, go to school, have lunch, go home, do my homework, take a bath, go to bed

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高年級開始的教材開始融入國家的元素,廠商在編輯教材的時候,會一課的課文融入一個國家。所以老師們在備課的時候,也要對於這些國家有基本的認識,廠商都有附介紹國家的PPT ,但是108課綱之後,老師可以開始用繪本的元素介紹國家。今天先從我最喜歡的英國開始,說到英國一定要提到英國女皇,英國皇室以及倫敦。所以我找了這三個主題的繪本,跟大家分享

 如果要找英國的書,建議在amazon uk 找,會比較多資料唷。


我介紹四本 幽默大師 Steve Antony 的作品。他的書畫風都很溫馨,文字簡單帶有幽默的口吻,讓我愛不釋手。

 The Queen’s Hat

A sudden gust of wind sets off a marvelous adventure for the Queen, lots of Queen's men, and one very special hat. Just where will that hat land? Following a hysterical, epic hat chase, the Queen is reunited with her hat -- and the royal baby
Young children will love the search-and-find fun of the story, the hysterical mayhem that breaks loose, and Steve Antony's winning art style. THE QUEEN'S HAT shows some of London's most famous sites, and back matter explains their significance.

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  International education

International education refers to a dynamic concept that involves a journey or movement of people, minds, or ideas across political and cultural frontiers. It is facilitated by the globalization phenomenon, which increasingly erases the constraints of geography on economic, social and cultural arrangements


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