人類學習與發展是IB的必修課程,不提供授權碼,所以要記得搶課。這門課之前是兩年開一次,後來詢問老師有可能每年上學期都會開,所以建議如果想要修IB 學成,保險的話大家在碩一上就可以修,但是如果要好好應付作業,建議大家碩二上,有了研究問題再來修,會比較好。此外,這門課程是EMI課程,老師貫徹全英授課,但是老師語速和緩,不會聽不懂,而且老師上課輔以多樣教學媒材,每個教學媒材都會在課堂中示範後,會有一個先行的體驗測試活動,確認你一定會操作,才會放你回家。而且上課有和藹可親的助教,如果上課不懂都可以詢問助教。
1. 老師上課會用PURUSALL 與大家互動,上課前要看文章,並給予發問或是回饋 (40%);
2. 會有個兩人一組的小組報告,這個部分是遠端線上學習,共四個星期。(看修課人數,多可以到五個星期) 20%
- 老師除了會鉅細靡遺的講解相關要求以及標準,也會給予每一組30分鐘以上的面談時間,建議大家準備好再去。然後,如果有個人期末報告主題的,也可以利用時間詢問老師。基本上,老師會提供英語期刊,然後你選擇一篇有興趣的,針對 WHY-WHAT-HOW 進行8-10分鐘錄影分享,然後出課後作業。這邊作業重點是: 你不用鉅細靡遺介紹整篇文章,但是可能要點出本篇文章的重點,額外的可以看看引用人數,可以結合時事推論一下。
3. 會有個人的回饋心得 10% : 理論上,就是根據課程所學,回顧自己的學習階段,看是否符合理論。
-這個建議 PURUSALL 課程結束後,就可以開始寫了,根據你的成長經驗,去回頭看適合你的理論書寫。老師要求七個成長階段,就是按圖索驥寫完就好。
Childhood is a transformative period marked by family, exploration, and learning, which shapes our identity and perspectives. Reflecting on my own journey through different stages of development allows me to connect personal experiences with learning theories and cultural influences. In the following paragraphs, I will show key moments from my childhood and adolescence, linking them to developmental stages and their impact on my identity and future as a language teacher. By understanding these experiences, I aim to uncover how my cultural background, personal growth, and educational influences shape my teaching philosophy.
Early Childhood ft critical period (Till About 3-4 Years of Age)
Growing up, my family heritage was rooted both in China and Taiwan, but my environment was predominantly Chinese-speaking. My mother, being Taiwanese, influenced my language development that my Mandarin lacked the precision and articulation. This strong emphasis on Mandarin created a critical period for language acquisition, as posited by theories like Lenneberg's critical period hypothesis. While I developed fluency in Mandarin, my exposure to Taiwanese was limited, leaving me with minimal proficiency in the dialect. Additionally, the cultural norm in Taiwan that discouraged children from speaking out affected my oral expression skills. My struggle to confidently communicate during critical developmental windows. ......
4. 自我學習心得: 老師鼓勵每個學生透過參加工作坊或是研討會學習成長,師大本身就是研討會大本營,因此,某週不用上課,不過要寫自我學習心得。
I visited臺師大校園活動廣場 (https://pr.ntnu.edu.tw/chirpy/) which may offer various activities, conferences, seminars, or lectures.
One such event is a seminar focused on bilingual subject teaching and the localization of International Baccalaureate (IB) education. The seminar is structured into four parts:Keynote Speech, Specialized Forum, Paper Presentation, and Subject Area Workshop. The specialized forum will bring together bilingual scholars, expert teachers, teacher education program instructors, and pre-service teachers to discuss the needs of classroom teaching and enhance the bilingual teacher education process.
Good things to do / learn
The opportunity to ask questions directly to keynote speakers allowed for a deeper understanding of the latest theories in bilingual education. This interaction emphasizes the importance of dialogue in professional development.
Participating in discussions with experienced IB teachers provided valuable insights into the practical application of the IB program in Taiwan. This perspective is crucial for understanding how theoretical frameworks translate into classroom practices.
Observing graduate students present their research sparked new ideas for my own essay. Networking with peers working on similar topics can lead to collaborative opportunities and enhance the learning experience.
Attending this seminar was an enriching experience that highlighted the significance of continuous learning and collaboration in the field of education. The insights gained from experts and peers not only broadened my understanding of bilingual education but also inspired me to explore new avenues in my research. Engaging with a community of educators and researchers fosters a supportive environment that encourages innovation and improvement in teaching practices.
Overall, this seminar reinforced the idea that professional development is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about building relationships and sharing experiences with others in the field.
- 小組報告後,直接直球面對個人期末報告,文獻探討沒讀書真的寫不出來,建議超前部屬,提早準備,利用有實體課程時,多詢問老師問題。
- 老師要求是系上論文的規模,書寫10-15頁的文獻探討,理論上就是5000字以上,至少要有10個引用期刊。
- 理論上。書寫學術性文章,邏輯脈絡一定要有,建議先書寫大綱,然後慢慢填空。
具體可精進之處: 1. 強化研究背景與動機:在第一章,姿均提到台灣公立IBMYP學校面臨IB探究式教學與台灣考試導向教育體系的雙重期待,這是一個很好的切入點。建議姿均可以再深入說明這個獨特情境帶來的挑戰與機會。例如:學生在寫作表現上的差異,或教師在教學實務上的困境等,以凸顯研究的必要性與價值。 2. 補充探究式寫作教學的實證研究:目前的文獻探討側重探究式學習的理論基礎與模型介紹,對於探究式寫作教學的實證研究論述較少。對於HLD的課程(final project文獻探討當中的某一點),是符合要求的;如果未來發展論文,建議姿均:再搜尋並補充相關的實徵研究。例如:探究式寫作教學對於中學生學生論證能力的具體評估方案(怎樣教、怎樣測量等)、組織結構等層面的影響,以豐富文獻基礎。 3. 釐清研究架構與章節安排:目前,前兩章的架構大致完整。在第一章最後提到「研究目的」,但似乎可以更呼應「研究問題」。因此,建議您在第一章,先簡要說明研究目的,進而明確列出研究問題;也建議在第一章最後,簡要說明後續各章的主要內容,讓讀者對論文架構有初步認識。
課程用書Suggested textbooks:
1. Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2018). Human development: A life-span view (8th ed.). Wadsworth Publishing.
2. Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning theories: An educational perspective (6 th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
3. Sternberg, R. J., & Sternberg, K. (2017). Cognitive Psychology (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
李宏鎰譯(2017): 認知心理學。台北:雙葉。
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