2030雙語國家從第一波師資的培訓建置,到現在第二波的雙語環境建置,最後會漸漸走入制度層面,用計劃內的法規要求各校達到KPI ,既然雙語政策勢在必行,學校端也要及早應變才好。


第一個為學校行政的雙語化。例如: 學校廣播使用雙語,學生朝會使用雙語,學生活動使用雙語等等。

雙語廣播: 總導護 https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/48549016

雙語廣播: 行政 https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/48549952




學生篇 請參考 https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/48550048



狀況一: 剛步入教室,教室吵鬧,請學生安靜 拿出課本 坐好

Attention*2. It’s class time. Take out your book and sit tight. 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 

狀況二: 有人沒來? 詢問是否有請假 
Where is …? Does he/she put the day off?

狀況三: 詢問課程進度  
What we had learned last time?

狀況四: 請學生打開書,翻到進度頁

Now open your book and turn to page ... 



狀況一: 老師要開ppt 上課,請學生 開投影機,拉下螢幕,關燈,關窗廉,擦黑板,發下學習單

Who can help me to…
turn on the projector
put down the screen
turn off the light 
draw the curtain
clean up / erase the board
pass the worksheet 



狀況一: 學科老師邀請學生分組並移動桌椅。選組長到前面聽老師指令,有問題或是完成請舉手。


Now we are going to have a group activity. 
Please work in pairs.
… people in a group.
2. Take only your book and pencil box and move your desk into group of …
3. Choose a group leader and come to the front. 
4. If you have any questions /finished, just raise your hand.
5. Time’s up. Please sit tight and look at me. 



狀況一: 小組討論完,老師請組長到前面抽發表順序,並公告。老師請學生專心聽,並對報告組別提供一個問題或是意見。

歡迎第一組 / 下一組

The group leader, please come to the front to draw lots of the presentation order. 
Group…is the first and group 2 is…
Please be all ears and each group has to ask one question or leave a comment.
Let’s welcome the first group.
Nice. Next group.







狀況一: 我們現在考試,請把課本收集來。記得在考卷上方寫下姓名還有學號。交考卷前請檢查兩次。

時間到,最後一個收考卷。還有人沒交考卷嗎? 祝大家幸運,下次見

Now we will have a quiz, please put your books away. 
Write your name and ID on the top of the sheet.
Do check your answer twice before you hand in your sheet. 
Time’s up, the last one, please help me to collect the sheet.
Is there anyone who hasn’t turn in your sheet?  
Good luck. See you next time. 



狀況一: 鐘響,我們今天沒有時間,我會停在這裡,下次再完成。

今天回家作業是... 。



We are running out of time. I will stop here and next time we will finish it. 
Today’s homework is to write/ finish/…
We will have a quiz next week.
Don’t forget about your homework. 
Remember to bring … next time.
Let’s all for today. See you. Bye.
Let’s call it a day. Class dismiss. 









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