二、 透過任務導向、差異化教學、英語與其他學科整合之教學技巧、專案導向教學法、多元評量策略、教案設計、觀課及議課技巧等課程主題活化英語教學,同時設計課程教學示例於課堂教學中落實,以便學生之學習更為適性有效。
三、 配合教育部政策,協助強化英語教師之英語授課知能,並於課堂中提升學生英語口說能力及聽力,使教與學之間的連結更為緊密。
Resources: 300 words: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1te131VaFRyoEDBtjONRXnMgmytBNldH0GZrIO3BH8yY/edit?usp=sharing
NTNU https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a9icp1p47LuznMgX21zYuxfhBNrgxOBkH2yUHY5PglE/edit?usp=sharing
Attetion Getter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78eiLtQjmss
CLASSROOM ENGLISH https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/44941804
新北市國小英語日常生活與教室用語 https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/47481417
what do you want? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ISGxmJYliU
group the class and invite them to finish the task
1. what kind of style is the restaurant?
2. how many dishes does the chef mentioned?
3. list something the restaurant sell and sth the restaurant don't sell
4. anything else you wanna say ?
Daily routine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP1AL2DU6vQ
group the class and invite them to finish the tasks
1. make the boy's profile
name | job |
gender | breakfast |
age | ... |
2. make a timeline for the boy's day
offer some questions for Ss
3. draw a map and write a simple paragraph
offer some questions for Ss
How's Jack ( Jazz chant ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iHfxfh6lyQ
Group discussion https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rCILu6pYhW841PxOChVr6hd2BMRGguFy3wRv8nRCCFg/edit#slide=id.ge5b57558cd_37_0
CLIL 概論與教案設計
soft clil model - language led (45MINS ONCE A WEEK)
subject-led modular (15 hours during a semester )
subject-led ( partial immersion ) "50% of the curriculum "
BICS : basic interpersonal communication skills ( functional language
CALP : congnitive academic language proficiency
CLIL 課程設計與教學分享
Content : knowledge skill
communication : language triptych
The Language Triptych (2010) [3.4] is a conceptual tool that helps teachers and learners identify three types of language needed for effective CLIL: language related to understanding the subject; functional language for carrying out learning tasks; and new language likely to arise according to individual learner needs during this process. The Triptych encourages teachers to help students use new language, rather than learn vocabulary in isolation.
cognition: Bloom's taxonomy
Bloom's taxonomy is a set of three hierarchical models used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. The three lists cover the learning objectives in cognitive, affective and sensory domains. The framework elaborated by Bloom and his collaborators consisted of six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.
-products: what does people do
-practices: how people do this
-perspectives: why people do this
PADLET : https://padlet.com/wces0061/fhflk99uvz37vd0s
coteaching http://savvyteacher.weebly.com/co-teaching.html
LEVI'S LESSON PLAN https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/45346752
任務 / 專案型導向教學
任務型教學 https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/4341353
STEAM 融入雙語教學
繪本教學工作坊 https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/47566883
How to be an nice observer
Structure and scaffolding
PPP (presentation practice production)
How can teachers help students to get the idea
Presentation skill
Comprehension check ✔️
Chinese (abstract or difficult to explain )
What do you do first?
Opportunity for Teacher-student / students-students Interaction
Call on students to participate ( voluntary / random)
Who am I asking? Who am I want them to answer?
Conceptualization and personalization
Can they find interesting or useful in some ways
How can the teachers make the information Relevant to the students
Provide chance to help students to connect the materials to their real lives