當108課綱讓低年級的英語課程轉化成為 " 國際教育" 。許多老師都在思考如何接軌英語字母以及國際教育。本人覺得該有的基本能力不能少,新北目前的做法是 "英 閱 繪 " - 利用繪本帶入字母以及國際教育議題。 老師的難處就在如何在廣大的書海中,找到適合的繪本。 在做功課的時候,恰巧看到 一個youtube 頻道 Local Passport Family ,Preethi 他是旅行及教育的教育家,並利用自己的孩子施行旅行的國際教育,同時他也蒐集了很多世界的故事,當成自學的教材,如果想知道更多她的故事,可以去 https://www.localpassportfamily.com/
Preethi 邀請世界不同國家的作者,講述他們的繪本。 並使用該國的第一個名子做排序。例如: A IS FOR AUSTRALIA 就會有一個澳大利亞的作家,講述他的故事。這個頻道還在上傳中,所以目前大約只有19個字母以及繪本,剩下的老師可以自己發揮搜尋的能力,替換自己喜歡的作者或是書籍。
老實說在介紹繪本的時候,以往往往會 FOCUS 在單字句型等等,轉換成國際教育課程之後,我會順便介紹作者的背景國家等等。我喜歡這一系列的影片的原因,是每個人都在自己的國家拍影片,有些背景不管是室內室外都可以一窺當地人的平常生活,作家寫出來的繪本也很有當地的風情,本人覺得都還不錯,老師備課的時候,可以稍微看一下。
有些老師可能一看到繪本就直覺想說 "好難" "低年級的小朋友可能不懂" ,此時老師要發揮消化教材的能力,老師可能 挑幾個重點出來,例如: 國家,作者名,繪本大約的故事內容,可以自己再利用簡單的問答勾勒出故事內容,或是邀請小朋友試著 聽聽 外國作家說故事,都是一種新穎的上課方式。
A: A is for Australia Author Chat: "Diary of a Wombat" by Jackie French
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A is for America. "Juneteenth for Mazie" Read Aloud by Author Floyd Coope
photo credit 博客來
B: B is for Brazil Author Read Aloud: "Drufs" by Eva Furnari
photo credit AMAZON
C: C is for Cambodia Author Read Aloud: "The Cambodian Dancer" by Daryn Reicherter
photo credit 博客來
D : D is for Dominican Republic Author Read Aloud: "Islandborn" by Junot Diaz
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E: E is for Ethiopia Author Read Aloud: "Trouble" by Jane Kurtz
Tekleh doesn’t mean to cause trouble but everywhere he goes, it follows. When his exasperated father carves him a gebeta (also called mancala) gameboard to keep him occupied, he has no idea the chain of events to come! Follow a curious young Ethiopian boy as he tends his goats and stumbles upon a series of unusual encounters that help him learn not only the value of goods, but of giving. As he trades his gebeta for a knife, a masinko, a drum, some corn and a papaya, he discovers the value of generosity and compassion.
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F: F is for France
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G : G is for Greece Author Read Aloud: "Sky Cloud City" by Maria Kamoulakou
Inspired by the ancient Greek play Ornithes (The Birds, 414 BC) by Aristophanes; first book in a series by Greek archaeologist Maria Kamoulakou-Marangoudakis. In this delightful tale, two best friends rescue a pair of crows and are swept away to the Land of the Birds. Join them in their adventure where they meet the bird king and his subjects, and help the birds unite to achieve the impossible: a bird city in the clouds called Ornithopolis.
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H is for Haiti Janjak and Freda Go To The Iron Market by Elizabeth Turnbull, Wally Turnbull, and Mark Jones
In this first book of the bilingual Janjak and Freda series, cousins Janjak and Freda go with their godmother on an exciting adventure to Haiti's famous Iron Market. While there, they make many new friends, taste new fruits, and show the value of helping others when a runaway goat causes havoc in the market. The colorful text and beautiful illustrations will leave children dreaming up their own adventures.This story is told in such a way that the characters, scenery, and plot will be meaningful to both English speaking children and Creole speaking children. Rather than a literal translation, the Creole text has been rewritten by Wally Turnbull to provide the most authentic experience for Creole speakers.
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I : I is for India Author Read Aloud: "10 Gulab Jamuns" by Sandhya Acharya
photo credit 博客來
J is for Japan Suki's Kimono by Chieri Uegaki
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K : K is for Kenya Author Chat: "Seeds of Change" by Jen Cullerton Johnson
photo credit 博客來
L: L is for Latvia Author Read Aloud: Queen of Seagulls by Rūta Briede
This is a story of true love amid the seagulls!Do you know your neighbours But do you really know them In this delightfully subversive, comic contemporary fable, written for children and adults alike, you will be reminded that everyone you know - even your most boring or annoying neighbour - might be leading a life full of magic and wonder... Renata may not seem like your average hero. She s an angry neighbour who complains about the people around her, steals food that has been left out for the birds, and yells if she ever hears music. But there is much more to her... what are the seagulls trying to tell her And what does the accordionist s mysterious song really mean In order to find out the answers to these questions, Renata needs to learn about herself, and overcome her past mistakes.
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M M is for Morocco Author Read Aloud: The Storyteller by Evan Turk
Long, long ago, like a pearl around a grain of sand, the Kingdom of Morocco formed at the edge of the great, dry Sahara. It had fountains of cool, refreshing water to quench the thirst of the desert, and storytellers to bring the people together. But as the kingdom grew, the people forgot the dangers of the desert, and they forgot about the storytellers, too. All but one young boy, who came to the Great Square for a drink and found something that quenched his thirst even better: wonderful stories. As he listened to the last storyteller recount the Endless Drought, and the Glorious Blue Water Bird, he discovered the power of a tale well told.
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M Join us for a beautiful tale from Mehdi, a true Moroccan storyteller
N : N is for Navajo Nation Author Read Aloud: Fry Bread by Kevin Noble Maillard
photo credit 博客來
O is for Oman the turtle of Oman by Naomi Shihab Nye
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P is for Palestin Everything Comes Next: Collected and New Poems by Naomi Shihab Nye
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Q is for Qutar Hamda and Fisaikra by Kaltham Al-Ghanem
Beautiful retelling of a Gulf folktake based on the Cindarella story.
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R : R is for Russia Author Chat: The Noisy Paintbox by Barb Rosenstock
Vasya Kandinsky was a proper little boy: he studied math and history, he practiced the piano, he sat up straight and was perfectly polite. And when his family sent him to art classes, they expected him to paint pretty houses and flowers—like a proper artist. But as Vasya opened his paint box and began mixing the reds, the yellows, the blues, he heard a strange sound—the swirling colors trilled like an orchestra tuning up for a symphony! And as he grew older, he continued to hear brilliant colors singing and see vibrant sounds dancing. But was Vasya brave enough to put aside his proper still lifes and portraits and paint . . . music?
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S "The Name Jar" by the author, Yangsook Choi FROM SOUTH KOREA
photo credit 博客來
T : T is for Thailand Author Read Aloud: Hush!: A Thai Lullaby by Minfong Ho
In an endearing lullaby, a mother asks a lizard, a monkey, and a water buffalo to be quiet and not disturb her sleeping baby.
photo credit 博客來
U U is for Ukraine Author Chat: Enough by Marsha Skrypuch
This heart-warming Ukrainian folktale, set during the Great Famine of the 1930s, tells of a young girl's attempts to save her village from starvation.
When soldiers take the village's wheat, Marusia hides just enough to survive. She and her father share with the other villagers over the winter, then plant the few remaining grains in the spring. A gigantic stalk of magical wheat grows attracting the attention of an equally large and magical stork. The stork flies with Marusia on a magical journey to the prairies, where farmers give Marusia enough wheat for her village.
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V "Wings and Dreams: The Legend of Angel Falls" by author Irania Patterson FROM VENEZUELA
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W : A Welsh Folktale "SLOP"by author Margaret Read MacDonald FROM WLAES
A sweet Welsh folktale about a garden, table scraps, and the wee folk.
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X : X is for MeXico Author Read Aloud: What Can You Do with a Paleta? by Carmen Tafolla
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Y is for Yeman
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Z : Z is for Zimbabwe Author Read Aloud: Zandi Finds Ubuntu by Dr. Tererai Trent
photo credit AMAZON
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjpcQk0mubuNj8SiC7bdUpw
WEBSITE https://www.localpassportfamily.com/