Typing is a very important skill but we don't design a special lesson for teaching students how to type in English. Thanks Roxie who reminds me that there are some useful websites for kids to practice tpying. Let's check out. ( 感謝ROXIE 提供的打字網站 )
課程設計 Lesson plan ( for third grade, two class)
新北市從三年級開始有資訊課程,資訊老師會教簡單的打字方法,例如: 大小寫轉換以及如何打標點符號等等。 但是對於英文打字的介紹就比較少。
In New Taipei City, third grader students start learning sentences and punctuations. Teaching typing is a good way to remind students the punctuation and the capitalization.
第一節課 class one
1. 鍵盤介紹 get to know the keyboard
2. 單字教學
基本字母的位置學生其實找得到,這邊的重點會放在 大小寫的轉換,標點符號,特殊符號 @ 的打法。
voc: capital / comma , / period . / question mark? / apostrophe ' / @
3. 發布任務一
Where is Jack's pen? It's on the table.
How's the weather? It's sunny.
What's your name? My name is Jenny.
任務二: practice time with google form
老師可以設計一份google 表單,這邊可以練習上課的句型,單字等等。
you can design a google form for practice typing puncutation
google 表單的好處就是,只要有連結隨時隨地都可以練習,如果,在學校無法完成,可以給連結,讓他們回家練習。
It's okay that studnets can't finish in time. As long as they have the link, they can practice any time.
第二堂課 class two : let's type
Introduce a nice website called typing club. Its' a typing website that taught basic typing. Teacher can spend a class to introduce the website and give students 15 to 20 minutes to practice.
typing club ( easy to start with third grade or even second grade )
終極目標就是學生練習會基本的打字技巧後,未來老師要出GOOGLE 表單,讓學生練習單字拼法,就會方便很多唷。
本校於四年級下學期的時候,會有一個英語單字檢測,就是利用GOOGLE 表單讓每個學生都有機會練習。