Dear all
For practicing for the mid-term exam, Dr. ZZ had upload the written test sample on the folio. If you got some problems with the written form, you can take a look at the followings:
I. Fill out the missing parts. (10 x 2’ = 20’)
II. Construct grammatically correct Chinese sentences with the given Chinese characters and words (5 x 2’ = 10’).
- 宠物、你、喜欢、吗、爸爸
- 陈大东、加拿大、是不是、人
- 玛丽家、一只狗、有、三只猫、和
- 会、我爸爸、法语、英语、和、说
- 他、和、两个哥哥、有、三个姐姐
- 岁、老师、六十、今年、张、是
- 德国人、你朋友、的、爸爸、是、吗?
III. Translation. (10 x 2’ = 20’)
- Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 请问,他叫什么名字?. Qǐngwèn, tā jiào shénme míngzì?
excuse me, what's his name?
2. 孙玛丽是不是日本人?Sūn mǎlì shì bùshì rìběn rén?
Is Sun Mali a Japanese?
3. 她不是中国人,她是法国人。Tā bùshì zhōngguó rén, tā shì fàguó rén.
4. 我很喜欢狗,可是我妹妹喜欢猫。Wǒ hěn xǐhuān gǒu, kěshì wǒ mèimei xǐhuān māo.
5. 他只会写简单的汉字。Tā huì shuō yīngyǔ hé fǎyǔ, kěshì tā zhǐ huì xiě jiǎndān de hànzì.
6. 你的生日是几月几号?Nǐ de shēngrì shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?
7. 你们的汉语老师是哪国人?Nǐmen de hànyǔ lǎoshī shì nǎ guórén?
8. 刘先生的太太三十八岁。Liú xiānshēng de tàitài sānshíbā suì.
- Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (Chinese characters preferred.)
1. How are you?
2. My name is Chen Dadong.
3. How old are you?
4. What country are you from?
5. How many people are there in your family?
6. What is your dog’s name?
7. Is your friend’s mother French?
8. My brother has a son and a daughter.
IV. Read and then answer the questions in both Chinese and English (9 x 3’ = 27’).
A: 陈大东,你家有没有宠物? |
Chéndàdōng, nǐ jiā yǒu méiyǒu chǒngwù? |
B:我家没有宠物。你家呢? |
Wǒjiā méiyǒu chǒngwù. Nǐ jiā ne? |
A:我家有很多宠物。 |
Wǒjiā yǒu hěnduō chǒngwù |
B:有什么宠物? |
Yǒu shénme chǒngwù? |
A:有四只狗和六只猫。 |
Yǒu sì zhǐ gǒu hé liù zhǐ māo. |
- Does Chen Dadong keep pets at home?
NO 没有
- What kind of pets does Sun Mali have?
- How many pets does Sun Mali have?
我的中文老师是刘老师。她六十岁。她是语言教授 (professor)。她只会说一点儿法语。她会写汉字和英文。Wǒ de zhōngwén lǎoshī shì liú lǎoshī. Tā liùshí suì. Tā shì yǔyán jiàoshòu. Tā zhǐ huì shuō yīdiǎn er fǎyǔ. Tā huì xiě hànzì hé yīngwén.
- How old is the teacher?
60 years old. 60 岁。
- What is her profession / job?
- Which languages does she know how to write?
- Does she speak fluent French?
陈大东:你们好!我叫陈大东。Chén Dàdōng: Nǐmen hǎo! Wǒ jiào chéndàdōng.
同学们:陈大东,你好!Tóngxuémen: Chéndàdōng, nǐ hǎo!
陈大东:老师姓什么?Chén Dàdōng: Lǎoshī xìng shénme?
孙玛丽:老师姓刘。Sūn Mǎlì: Lǎoshī xìng liú.
- What is the surname of the teacher?
- Who answers Chen Dadong’s question?
V. Copy the following passage as neatly as you can. (1 x 5’ = 5’)
VI. Choose five (5) 汉字 and write in their correct stroke orders: (5 x 2’ = 10’)
VI. Write a dialogue based on the information from the picture. You should write at least eight complete pairs of Chinese sentences. (8 x 3’ = 24’)
我: 你好, 你叫什么名字?
陈大东: 我叫陈大东
我: 你多大?
陈大东:我家有四个人: 爸爸,妈妈,妹妹和我