Still wondering whether to take a Chinese course or not? Here is the breif introduction of CHIN1001 course.
who will take Chin 1001 course
For students who have never studied Chinese. Focus on basic communication skills (understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese) and cultural understanding. (credit by Professor Zhang )
if your can use survival Chinese, it's better for you to take CHIN 1002
the material used in CHIN1001 & CHIN 1002 course
Bought in Amazon (cheaper but takes sometimes) MODERN CHINESE
Bought in Schoolbookstore(most efficiency to get the book)
more about the class go to
There are three classes in a week and each class is about 50 minutes.
1) introduce the syllabus and do a simple practice with 1~10
Greeting: write Chinese name on the board with pinyin and tell Ss the differences between Chinese and English. (self-intro)
invite Ss to do simple self-intro one by one. ( make a role call as the same time)
warm up : ease Ss mind of learning Chinese by tell a story: there are almost 1.3 billion people speaking Chinese so that it won't be that difficult and show some example of grauated students that worked in China. Then, show the basic number of 123 if you can pronounce 1~10 you can speak from 1 to 99 as well. finally, extend number to month and week. ( the way you write it, the way you say it.
presentation: open folio to show the syllabus and explain how will the class worked in the following days.
attendance: don't miss up 4 times. do email me the reason of your absence, eg: religious observance
grade: Dec 11 final exam
wrap up: do a simple practice with numbers by gesture.
2) Greeting : 同学们好 (老师好)
wram up: make a role call and review: 1 to 30
presentation: practice the sentence one by one
sentence: 我是美国人 / 我19岁 / 我的生日是 --年 --日 / 我的电话号码是-----
explain the meaning - oral practice (whole - indivisual check) - writing practive ( stroke-order : while teaching the chinese character introduce its meaning)
wrap up: dictation a date
3) Greeting : 同学们好 (老师好)
wram up: make a role call
presentation: give each Student a chinese name and practice the oral and writing one by one
spend some time on writing
wrap up: oral practice with a dialogue on textbook
class 1
review counting from 1 to 30 (extend the rules to 100)
telephone number: dictation
how to write chinese character from 一 到 十
sentence : 我 ————岁
words: family member 爸爸 / 妈妈 / 弟弟 / 哥哥 / 姐姐 / 妹妹
dictation : listen to chinese paragragh and guess the meaning
"今天是2019年8月28日星期三,教室里有两个老师一个从中国来,另一个从台湾来,教室里有三个日本学生,都是girl 剩下的都是美国人"
"你叫什么名字? 我叫 __"
class 3
TA introduces some useful websites for learning stroke-order
review number : dictation phone, year, and birthday
LTT ( Listen , translation, transcribe) :
WEEK 3 - cancelled due to Hurricane Dorian
class 1 : check hw - review number - review sentence - grammar focus 都 / 也 /
class2 : listening practice - dictation sentence - chinese - english - measure word 个 & pocessive word 的
class 1: check hw LTT - READ DIA P16 & 29 / P32 & 47
class 2 : review sentence pattern - self introduction
你叫什么名字? / 你是哪国人? / 你多大?
class 3: introduce p71 new words - p70 dialogue 1/2
Chin 1001 weekly schedule
Week |
Procedure |
Homework |
1.v 0113-0118 |
Class one syllabus + numbers Class two holistic view of Chinese + PINYIN Class three GREETING + NUMBER SENTENCES |
Writing 1 Due 0117 |
2. v 0120- 0124 |
Class one MLK Jr. off Class two NUMBER SENTENCES + self-introduction Class three Chinese New Year- CHINESE ZODIAC |
W2 DUE 0124 Chinese New Year |
3. v 0127 0131 |
Class one greeting + introduce p17 new words Class two dia Class three act role play |
W3 DUE 0131 |
4. 0203 0207 |
Class one introduce countries Class two sentence pattern 我是美国人 – 是不是 Class three lantern festival |
W4 due 0207 Lantern Festival |
5. 0210-0214 |
Class one introduce dia Class two sentence family member words Class three review这是我。。。我有一个-- |
W5 due 0214 |
6. 0217- 0221 |
Class one sentence你喜欢—吗 Class two有没有 Class three dia |
Pre LTT 0 DUE0221 |
7. 0224-0228 |
Class one pre country + language Class two review我是——introduce jobs Class three我会说/ 写 一点儿 / 简单的 +dia
Pre LTT 1 DUE0228 |
8. 0302 0306 |
Class one review both written & oral Class two mid term exam Class three OFF |
LTT1 DUE 0306 mid term exam |
9. 0309 0313 |
Each student has to meet me for oral quiz and discussion of you presentation and we don’t have class on week 11 Class one unit three time Class two sentence Class three grammar |
LTT2 DUE 0313 & presentation |
10 0316 0320
spring break
11 0323-0327 |
Class one review family Class two review country Class three review jobs |
Suspend week Online trial lesson
12 0330- 0403 |
Class one review explain assignment & review week Class two U3 grammar Class three new word on page 107 |
LTT3 0320 LTT4 0327 LTT5 0403 |
13 0406- 0410 |
Class one family presentation Class two week review voc and grammar Class three film explain and dia |
LTT6 0410
14 0413- 0417 |
Class one voc p 125 Class two grammar sentence Class three dia / schedule dia oral |
LTT 7 0417 |
15 0420- 0424 |
Class one dia voc p 141 Class two grammar sentence Class three dia |
LTT 8 0424 |
16 0427-0501 |
Class one final oral Class two film festival Class three review |
film festival |
Final exam |
Final exam |