Still wondering whether to take a Chinese course or not? Here is the breif introduction of CHIN1002course.
who will take Chin 1002 course
Continued focus on basic communication skills (understanding, speaking, reading, writing Chinese) and cultural understanding, with increased emphasis on active use of the language. Includes laboratory program. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of "C" in CHIN 1001.
if your can use survival Chinese, it's better for you to take CHIN 1002
the material used in CHIN1001 & CHIN 1002 course
Bought in Amazon (cheaper need sometime) MODERN CHINESE
Bought in Schoolbookstore(most efficiency to get the book)
more about the class go to
There are three classes per week and each class is about 50 minutes. Teacher is familiar with the students and the students know the rules and grading way of the couse so the very first class start with reviewing.
week 1
class 1
Greeting : free talk& review numbers and sentence related to numbers
Warm up:
count from 1 to 99 - speak their phone number - listen and copy the phone number -
review 今天是 年 月 日 - say your birthday -
Presentation: recognize chinese character from name to words
现在 教室 里 六个 人
我家 有 六个 人
---有三本英语书 (两个手机 / 三个室友 / 一只小狗和一只小猫 )
Practice: invite Ss to read the sentence out loud by looking at the chinese characters.
Wrap up: invite Ss to read the sentence out loud by one by one.
class 2
Greeting : free talk and asking questions in Chinese
Warm up: dictation a set of phone-numbers and chinese sentences ( Students can write in their native language)
1. family memebr : 我有五个弟弟和两个妹妹/ 我大弟弟在加拿大,他是大学教授,他有一个儿子和一个 daughter
2. date and number of students : 今天是 2019年 8月21号 星期三, 现在教室里有两个老师和五个学生,一个学生的妈妈是台湾人
3. countries : 中国是世界上五个大国之一,第一个大国是...
by doing this we can review all the previous lessons that they learned before.
Practice: read all the dialogue from p16 to p140
Wrap up: inform Ss this semester, the textbook won't show you pinyin
class 3
Greeting & Warm up: free talk and asking questions in Chinese
Presentation: a few ways practice reading
shadow reading: read together with teacher
repeat after me
reverse translation though native and target language
switch reading : role play
Practice: p106 & p 119
Wrap up:inform Ss this semester, the textbook won't show you pinyin
week 2
class 1
Greeting : free talk and ask some quesitons "今天几号? 现在教室几个人?你的中文名字是什么?“
dictation paragraphs and ask Ss to speak the meaning in English
expalin grammar point of the paragraph
talk about your family member within 5 to 7 sentences
class 2
free talk and check homework LTT and expalin the menaing of LTT one by one. Grammar focus : 前 / 过 / 又 / 一个 另一个
practice fixed sentences
oral practice
class 3
Greeting : TA introduces some useful websites for learning stroke-order
ways to write Chinese : top - down 喜 / left - right 教
read p106 do the shawdow reading
dictation and grammar focus: 都在 / 喜欢 1 还是 2 / 又
week 3 (due to hurricane stop for a week )
week 4
class 1 Greeting : free talk - check hw- dia 119 grammar focus
class 2 Greeting : free talk - event sharing ( culture ) - p 124 dia reading
class 3 Greeting : free talk - tone practice - grammar focus
每次 / 每星期 / 每天
week 5
class 1 Greeting : free talk - read 东直门饭馆 - grammar & culture focus
class 2 Greeting : free talk - PRACTICE DIALOGUE 东直门饭馆
class 3 Greeting : role play DIALOGUE 东直门饭馆