DAY 1 HOORAY FOR FISH (three hours)
(photo from https://www.books.com.tw/products/F012016552)
達悟人的名子,會隨著狀態改變,例如: 成家,生子等等。 透過詢問他們父親的名子,連結到英語歌曲 what's your name?
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv1JkBL5728
What's your DAWOO name? Do you know what does it means? Think an action for it.
game: invite the class to make a cirlce and introduce their dawoo name with an action one by one.
Notice: 1. the second one has to repeat the first one and so on. 2. It's okay to help others. Don't be shy and open your mind.
point and call game: teacher goes first. T points to sb and shout call her/ his name and he or she has to point to someone else by calling his / her name.
Notice: Please do help others when someone fotgot your name.
Presentation: Naming
How does your father or mother call you? Do you have nickname? Give example, when you saw the dog or cat is black you might call it 小黑。 when you saw a rock looks like a dragon's head, you might call it dragon's head rock 龍頭岩.
Naming: T shows some pictures and invites Ss to name the picture. (前面用蘭嶼的造型石頭,後面用海洋生物,最後用hooray for fish 的圖)
youtube of coral reef fish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvq_lvC1MRY
what do you see? Can you help me to name the fish? Let's me show you a fish book and please help me to name the fish you saw.
introduce the book cover and show the photo first then its name.
Hooray for fish youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJHLbfPNhLY
Practice: naming
This is _______ fish because it is ________.
Kahoot game: Q & A
Activity: how to fold a fish with paper?
fold fish youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wtn0m7feRug
fold fish youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmZgsnY8fMQ
fold fish youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQbIk7dzL9k
Prepare many A3 papers for kids
Fish Designing:
1. first round: Ss pick up two characters and design her/ his fish with these two characters
2. second round: Ss can design his / her fish whatever they want.
Notice: T helps Ss to hang on their works on the ceilings.
Produce: refection
Teacher shows how tresure Lanyu is and shows the variety of living creatures.
Have you ever go snorkling in Lanyu ? What do you see undersea? Has your father ever go scuba diving? What does he see undersee? Do you think you are sharing the same views? why or why not?
How to eat fish in Lanyu?
Why people in Lanyu eat fish in this way?
Discuss "sustainable Lanyu"
圖片來源: 典藏台灣中央研究院 http://catalog.digitalarchives.tw/item/00/42/51/7c.html
How to get a fish?
Since time has changed? the way to get fish is totally different now? Can we leave those beautiful fish in the sea? Why or why not
divide the class into two groups : Why or why not
discuss and make a poster
debate in mother tongue
Wrap up : it's our responsibility to protect the beatiful ocean.