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人已而立,開始關心臺灣,認同本身文化並且開始揮發自己的小力量,認同從了解開始,於是開始關心部落原住民孩子的教育問題, 在主流化的教育下,往往原住民的傳統文化往往區居於弱勢,甚至有愈來愈多的原住民漢化了,他們雖然擁有原住民血統,但是不懂自身的文化、看不懂自己的語言、不會聽說自己的語言;在部落的學校老師,多抱持著原住民孩子精力充沛應該多學著一技之長或是傳統的舞蹈歌謠等等,往往忽略了他們對於科普文化的追求亦或是臺灣官方語言的精進使用;在接觸過原住民孩子後,發現對於原住民孩子的教學應跳脫我們漢人固有的講述模式,山上的孩子他們對於自身經驗無關的知識專心度抽離的很快,所以身為教師的我們必須因應原住民自身的文化,研發出一套新的傳授知識的方法,一來:透過對於本身文化的連結引發其對於科學的好奇心,二來:透過體驗手作及實驗活動以及以孩子為中心的討論活動,來培養孩子的發表能力,並且加深孩子文化與科學的相互連結。
這次參加海洋傳奇在蘭嶼的實驗課程營隊,扎實的實踐了對於原住民孩子,我們應該給予怎麼樣的教育方式?文化回應科學:在我們成長的過程中,科學是直接以條列式的觀點呈現在課堂之中,但其實科學是真實的呈現在我們的日常生活中,甚至成為一種約定俗成的習慣,在部落中也有許多因科學因素或原理而約定俗成的禁忌或風俗,我想我們要做的是-告訴孩子其文化傳統習俗後面隱藏的科學原理,進而引導他們開始產生對於科學的連結、敬佩老祖宗的智慧,進而認同本身文化,不求什麼都要教,但要學得精緻!在這一系列的課程中,科學概念透過其自身文化當聯結,使用THE 5E LEARNING CYCLE當講述方法,向原住民孩子普及科學技術知識,倡導科學方法、傳播科學思想並且弘揚科學精神。
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It's still a month for XMAS but I can't wait for it. Thus, I googled how to write a letter to Santa in the US and I am going to mail them to see whether I can get a feedback or not. Most teacher will do the "Mail to Santa Activity" in Taiwan, but only few of them would mention the hard-working elves. Today I would like to share some Santa's stories. Here we go.
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Santa Claus in INDIANA
Since 1914, children have had the joy of receiving letters from Santa Claus for free, and the tradition continues today. Write a letter to Santa at the Santa Claus Museum & Village.The town of Santa Claus has been answering children's letters for over 100 years; it's a tradition that started in 1914. All letters received by December 20, 2019, will receive a reply!
Visit Santa Claus, Indiana, for the three-weekend Santa Claus Christmas Celebration, start with the first three weekends of December.
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Kids learned color in the third grade. If you want to try new activity with STEM ideas, maybe you can try DENSITY. I will spend three to four classes introducing English, two classes for Science LAB (the way they set up for their tube could be engineering ), and one class for math for calculating the density of sugar water.
What is STEM?
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.
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In this unit, we are going to learn the things you want to buy. Then we are going to learn, "How to use Chinese to bargain with peddlers" in different ways.
Here we go
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Let's go shopping ( two to three classes)
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Mid-term Conference Itinerary
12/11 WED
Set off Savanah @ 9:29 & Arrive in Washington DC@ 0308 pm
Live in Marriott Marquis Hotel (901 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20001) Bu uber
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