Grammar can be interesting and informative at the same time. Also, Grammar can be taught in inductive way which let students to find the rules on their own. The following lesson plan is the K1 level of native speakers and the K 5-7 level for ESL students. 


   How to use inductive way to introduce NOUN ? 

 first class introduce what is Noun? the definition of Noun 

warm up 

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A brief introduction of Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is a fictional superhero in DC Comics. Wonder Woman is creating from the clay around 200 B.C with the help of the Amazon Gods. Wonder Woman is born to be a warrior and she is depicted as a female hero that fought for justice, love and peace.

Wonder Woman is a compassionate caring, stubborn, opinionated, highly competitive, outgoing, immortal Amazon. Wonder Woman is fearless and focused on her objectives. She will not hesitate to break the law if it’s for the greater good. She will not hide from her actions and always makes herself available to face the consequences.

Wonder Woman is a young sexy lady so that I will use the shadow on the side of the forehead, jaw, chin and a little on the neck. Also, I will use the highlight inside of the shadows. In addition, I will use highlight from the end of the eyebrow to the temple, highlight the apple of cheek, and the bridge of the nose to make the character looks younger and energetic.


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  • Feb 27 Thu 2020 10:03
  • Noun -



Noun named things and naming is one of those skills we pick up at an early age 


the common definition of Noun: A NOUN is a word that names a PERSON, a PLACE,or a THING. Noun can name things that we can touch, taste, see, hear, feel and smell. However, Noun also refer to concepts (freedom), states ( frustration), activities ( running), time ( tomorrow), and more. 

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Teaching Seminar Lesson Plan

# Tzu-Chun Lin 901245399 (Dehydration)




Generous Beauty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 Develop main theme 

1. the big idea 

2. massage to be conveyed

3. a statement that conveyed what you are interpreting 

4. the meaning that you hope to be retained

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