現今的教育現場,就是甚麼都要融入,科技融入課堂,英文融入建體或是自然,加上新北本身就在推廣的學習共同體,展現了新北老師無比的包容以及韌性。今天來到板橋參加學習共同體的公開課,主題是 "英語繪本融入健康領域" 教學,總共三堂課的教學,第一堂課是繪本介紹,老師一開始使用riddle 請學生猜出今天的主題 "tooth"  ,接著老師展示一個動物的牙齒特寫,請學生猜是什麼動物,介紹繪本會出現的單字 (不同動物的名稱),之後老師簡化繪本的語言,抽出一到兩個句型,利用問答的方式,請學生回答即完成句子,請學生寫在小白板上。最後,請學生討論 how do you take care of your teeth ? 小組發表。 第二堂課是潔牙的短語介紹,以及如何使用牙線的影片介紹,這邊老師把想了12個使用牙線+刷牙的步驟,練習活動是: 排序。 第三堂課是倆倆一組,正確使用牙線。
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal   What If You Had Animal Teeth!?

板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal   What If You Had Animal Teeth!?

If you could have any animal's front teeth, whose would you choose?
WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL TEETH? takes children on a fun, informative, and imaginative journey as they explore what it would be like if their own front teeth were replaced by those of a different animal. Featuring a dozen animals (beaver, great white shark, narwhal, elephant, rattlesnake, naked mole rat, hippopotamus, crocodile, and more), this book explores how different teeth are especially adapted for an animal's survival. At the end of the book, children will discover why their own teeth are just right for them. And they'll also get a friendly reminder to take good care of their teeth, because they're the only teeth they'll ever have. Each spread features a photograph of the animal using its specialized teeth on the left and a humorous illustrated image of a child using that animal's teeth on the right.

板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal

photo credit 博客來
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal   AUTHOR & ILLUSTRATOR 

Sandra Markle is the author of more than two hundred children’s books, which have won numerous awards, including Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book, IRA/CBC Children’s Choice, NSTA/CBC Outstanding Trade Books for Children, NCTE Orbis Pictus Recommended, and ALA Notable Books for Children. She lives in Florida.

Howard McWilliam is the illustrator of I NEED MY MONSTER, by Amanda Noll, and WHEN A DRAGON MOVES IN, by Jodi Moore. Howard left his career as a U.K. magazine editor and journalist in 2005 to concentrate on his growing career as a cartoonist and illustrator. He has won various awards and competitions for his work and has been published in a wide range of U.K. magazines and newspapers, including THE DAILY TELEGRAPH and THE WEEK. He lives in Kingston Upon Thames, England, with his wife, Rebecca.

板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  英語用詞的部分 
豪豬或是大象的牙齒英語是 tusk 。毒蛇類的牙齒叫做fang。一般消化系統的牙齒是teeth。牙齒會因為她的不同的功用,而有不同的名子,老師教到tusk這個字彙的時候,可以邀請學生舉一反三。 
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  素養導向 - 創造力的部分
動物的牙齒都是演變而來的,不同動物會因為她的生活習性活是生活環境而造就不同功能的牙齒,所以可以請學生創造出一個 "新物種",然後,請他們闡述他的生活環境,飲食,會演化出什麼樣的牙齒,這個部分,本人也覺得滿有趣的。
或者是可以用 The Crocodile and the Dentist 當引子,請他們抽取一個動物,然後訪寫出她去看牙醫的故事,我也覺得滿好玩的。
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  觀後心得:
此外,這個課程是典型的英語課程,教導如何使用牙線。所以他會把重點放在 使用牙線的短語 活動設計 就是排序 。還是在語言的架構內練習。
然而,如果今天這堂課是健康課程,那麼這堂課就沒有教到所謂的知識層面 ( 牙齒的構造 ),活動也過於簡單,高年級學生會覺得沒有挑戰性。
既然,他使用了 What If You Had Animal Teeth!? 當引子,我覺得可以再加上 The Crocodile and the Dentist,這本繪本。看牙醫大約是每個人心中最害怕的一件事情,動物也不例外,老師可以設計一個情境,以下的動物都有toothache,他們要去找牙醫,如果你是牙醫,請你推判出這些動物蛀牙的成因,以及教導他們正確使用牙線的方式,最後給予他們一個對於牙齒好的建議。
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  鯊魚shark/鱷魚crocodile/響尾蛇 rattle sanke/老虎tiger/河馬hippo/駱駝camel
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  小組RT 演出 : 仿造 The Crocodile and the Dentist 的劇情內容,請學生編寫一段小劇本,然後上台演出。
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal   The Crocodile and the Dentist
Anyone who has ever dreaded a visit to the dentist's office will appreciate this quirky and comical, one-of-a-kind picture book by best-selling Japanese author-illustrator Taro Gomi. Gomi humorously sheds light on the universal fear of dentists with playful and charming characters, uniquely illustrated to help children (and some adults) face their fears of going to the dentist's office. Gomi's humorous tale shows fear from both the dentist and patient's angles, providing a fresh perspective on fear and evoking empathy in the reader. Patients of all ages will come away from the book with a new take on what it means to see the dentist, and possibly learn some coping skills along the way.
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal
photo credit 博客來 
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  跨領域課程的盲點 
老師今天在做跨領域課程的時候,一定要先想清楚,你在教什麼? 你是在教英文,還是在教健康。先把主題課程訂出來,然後再訂你的教學目標,這樣課程就不會走歪。老師在設計教案的時候, 知識 技能 態度 都要考量進教案。
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal   跨領域教學的時候,別忘了知識 技能 態度
老師們在做跨領域教學的時候,評量的方式要符合那個領域。學生不會因為它語言程度的低落而失敗。相反的,學生只要能說出該領域要學習的知識,能做出該領域要求的技能,以及表現出積極的態度,互助合作,都應該要給予學生高分。當然,老師在課堂呈現課程的時候,教室用語,程序用語 (procedure langeuage) 可以使用英文,剩下專有名詞的部分,或是概念性質的東西,可以使用中文輔助。 
1. 知識:  學生能從這門課程中學到那些知識,應該把重點放在學生是否能理解概念,而不是英語單字的背誦與練習。
例如: 學生知道哪些東西會破壞牙齒,導致蛀牙, 在學習的過程中,知道了這些東西的英文,而某些學生能流利地用英語口說回答,但是不能用英語回答的學生不代表他不知道這個概念。
2. 技能: 學生是否能正確使用牙線
例如: 評量方式: 給學生一面鏡子,一個牙線盒。 學生是否能正確取出適合長度的牙線,並依照程序正確使用牙線。只要學生能正確使用牙線,即使他說不出來英文,都代表他學會了這個技能。
3. 態度: 學生是否能互助學習,是否能專注於課堂,踴躍參與課程。
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  師大的林子斌教授提醒我們,目前台灣的教育現場中,有大約兩到三成的的學生是屬於英語能力低落,而目前在做雙語課程的,通常都是拿這些學生比較喜歡(輕鬆)的課程,像是: 健康 / 藝術與人文 / 音樂 / 家政 / 綜合等, 如果學生因為英語能力而被迫在這些課程,重複地當低能力者,我想這樣或多或少 剝奪的他的快樂。這也是我們不願意看到的。
跨領域的時候,老師們要記得 "你不是在教英文,而是英語只是一個工具語言,是一個橋樑,你真正需要評量的,是他該科的能力"。
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  To know the basic knowledge of teeth
to know the importance of teeth as the digest system
the reason why we have to clean our teeth
the way you clean your teeth 
板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  二下 國小健康與體育
教學重點: 蛀牙的成因 + 牙刷潔牙法 


板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal

照片來源  翰林電子書


板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal   To know the basic knowledge of teeth 

why we have toothache https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DnhEU-e8YY

what causes cavities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGoBFU1q4g0

BRUSH TEETH SONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku-ForS6G3I

板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal   四上 國小健康與體育
教學重點: 牙齒的一生 + 牙線潔牙法 


照片來源  翰林電子書


板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal   To know the basic knowledge of teeth 
The Teeth Song  | SCIENCE SONGS 板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI3hne8C8rU
「一首歌教你身體器官:牙齒篇」- Teeth Song 板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal    https://www.hopenglish.com/teeth-song

FLOSS TEETH 板橋國小觀課 What if you had animal  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDFHQKVIJpo


    雙語健康課 跨領域課程
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    Generous Beauty


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