2017年參加了教育部委託師大辦理的國中小教師增能研習,除了參訪歐校之外,也認識了幾乎全台灣的英語老師代表,感謝宜蘭的代表邀請我分享 COOL ENGLISH 的實際操作,讓我又多學了一項技能。
COOL ENGLISH是教育部委託師大成立的英語平台,提供給高中以下的學生,可以精進英文,老師備課時,也不用在茫茫YOUTUBE海 ,尋找影片,COOL ENGLISH本身就有很多符合英語教學內容的影片且附上測驗,給老師使用參考。唯一的缺點是,學生如果要登入,需要三個關卡 1. EMAIL 2. 校務行政帳號 3. 校務行政密碼。但是如果這三關都通過了,且順利加入到老師的教室,往後的日子,就是 順啦~~~~
以下就 COOL ENGLISH 做簡單分享
講師介紹: 5min
1. 新北市英語科任老師,一週21堂課。學校規模60個班。一個年段有兩位英語老師。
2. 新北市學習吧智慧種子教師
3.學校有60台平板,因為改建中,目前教室沒有wifi 只能接ap 或是到圖書館使用
破冰活動: (10 - 12 minutes )
0. 2mins to write the answer
1. 3 minutes to ask others
2. find someone whose answer can help you to get a line.
3. take an i-pad and finish two tasks
3-1 take a photo of your friend and use edit to write her/ his name
3-2 use selfie to film 15 seconds video to introduce your friend.
what color do you like? |
what do you like to do? |
Are you married?
Do you like math? |
What's your phone brand? |
Are you English teacher? |
Are you a vegetarian? |
What's your favorite subject? |
What's your name? (find the same Letter) |
one sentence sharing
Do you think your students can do the same activity? why or why not
5 分鐘登入學習吧,看今天的PPT及延伸教材
Cool English簡單內容介紹 (30 mins
教育部委請國立臺灣師範大學英語系教授陳浩然團隊,建置「Cool English 英語線上學習平臺」,以國中小學生為對象,自 104 年 6 月 25 日正式啟用至今。
「Cool English 英語線上學習平臺」國中小專區,以聽力、口說、閱讀、寫作、字彙/文法、遊戲、學習扶助內容及會考專區進行課程規劃。因應行動載具普及化,透過手機或平板電腦即可隨時隨地體驗互動式課程。新增的高中職專區已於 108 年 11 月正式上線,目前課程依照能力指標分為九大類,分別為聽力、口說、閱讀、寫作與翻譯、字彙、文法、歷屆試題、遊戲及高中課本戰力提升包。

Can you draw the toy shelf in the store? Show me how much is each toy? |
worksheet 2
1. How many people in the video? | ............................. |
2. Where is the girl going? | |
3. What does the girl want to buy? | |
4. How much is the doll? | |
5. How much is the teddy bear? | |
6. How much is the book? | |
7. How much is the robot? | |
8. What can the girl buy? | |
9. Who is the man? | |
10. Is the girl happy in the end? |
2. Listen the dia together two or three times.
3. Use the sentence pattern, "The ____ is _____ dollars." to introduce your worksheet.

1. How many people in the video? | .................................. |
2. Where are they? | |
3. What kind of class is it in the video? | |
4. What are they taking about? | |
5. What''s Jason's favorite wreather? Why | |
draw a pic | |
6. What''s Tina's favorite wreather? Why | |
draw a pic | |
7. What''s Kit's favorite wreather? Why | |
draw a pic |
2. Listen the dia together two or three times.
3. Use the sentence pattern, "____ likes ____ because _____.
如何用運COOL ENGLISH 的聽力專區融入英語教學
1. FOUR students in a group and each group has a worksheet
Can you draw the animal in the farm? name each animal |
1. Who's Jess? |
............... |
2. Where is Jess? | |
3. Does Jess have brothers? | |
4. What kind of food will give you energy? | |
5. What does Jess need to do? | |
6. Where are the eggs in the end? | |
2. Listen the dia together two or three times.
3. Use the sentence pattern, "____ likes ____ because _____.
如何用運COOL ENGLISH 的閱讀專區融入英語教學
1. 每個學生都會有一台i-pad,依照老師指示閱讀英語讀本。
2. 老師提供格式,邀請學生根據讀本,創作自己的喜歡吃的東西。
I like to eat.
3. 請學生利用 i-pad 自拍攝影 有聲故事書。

1. What does she wear after school? | |
2. What does the girl wear in hot days? | |
3. What does he wear in rainy days? |
Darw what do you wear in ______________days? Introduce your clothings |