110年度開始,新北市三年級英文課部定課程一堂,剩下兩堂 "英閱繪",利用繪本作跨領域或是素養融入的英語教學,利用分享的時候,聆聽現場老師的困惑跟疑問,發現老師對於繪本的評量問題,以及課間進行活動有點疑問,期待未來能夠透過實作分享,解除大家心中的小疑惑。
數字 1-20 教學 https://magic105.pixnet.net/blog/post/47631561
ten black dots
How many black dots? One? Two? Three?
What can you make? Read this book and see
photo credit 博客來
課程設計三堂課 ( 適用二到三年級)
事前準備: 圓形標籤 (一包十張,20塊錢) ,將學生分組,每組四人,每組有一張貼紙(12顆紅點),跟每人半張A4 白紙
warm up
youtube number song 迅速複習數字。
聯想力遊戲 what's this?
老師拿一枝筆,請學生問: "what's this? " ,老師回答: "It's a magic wand" 並做動作
接著隨機邀請學生,上台試試看。請台下學生問 : "what's this? " ,台上學生做動作回答。
presentation 介紹單字 + 符應到句型
從聯想力遊戲出發,連結到繪本教學,介紹今天的作者Donald Crew ,因為我本人很愛這個作者,所以我會連帶介紹一下他的其他本書籍,讓學生可以傳閱他的其他繪本。
before reading : 邀請學生看封面,問學生: " what do you see?" "what is a dot?" "What color is it?" "What can you do with ten black dots?"
句型: _____ dot can make a _____. 老師將句型寫在黑板上,並畫一個圓。連接到剛剛的聯想力遊戲,老師請學生完成句子 ONE DOT CAN MAKE A ____.
while reading : 帶領學生一起讀繪本,像是擁有固定句型架構的繪本,老師可以運用問題配合繪本上的圖片,邀請學生說出一個句子,然後全班念一次。大約閱讀三頁之後,可以適當的運用問題,挑戰學生的記憶力順便練習句型。
after reading : what can _____ dots make?
warm up
ten black dots youtube 迅速複習故事。
presentation : 講解今天任務
發下一組一張貼紙 (有12個紅點 ) 每個人有半張白紙
邀請學生寫下句型 _____ dot can make a _____. ,並請學生發揮想像力創作。
production : 讓學生創作
wrap up : art gallery
第三堂課 :
warm up
ten black dots youtube 迅速複習故事。
presentation : 講解今天任務 "one take video"
practice : 讓學生練習自己的句子
production: one take video
307 youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxqe5wwc584
作者 Donald Crews 是非裔的美國人,早期跟著媽媽有很多搭乘火車的經驗,美國地方很大,乘車時間較長,跨夜火車是常有的事情,因此在創作繪本的時候,也把它自身的經驗利用繪本呈現出來,老師們在介紹下面書籍的時候,也可以討論這個小故事唷。
Author : Donald Crews
Donald Crews is the renowned creator of many celebrated children's books, including the Caldecott Honor Books Freight Train and Truck. He and his wife, Ann Jonas, live in New York's Hudson River Valley.
other books by Donald Crew
1. Freight Train
Red caboose at the back, orange tank car, green cattle car, purple box car, black tender and a black steam engine . . . freight train. Donald Crews used childhood memories of trains seen during his travels to his grandparents' farm in the American South as the inspiration for this timeless favorite
photo credit 博客來
2. Inside Freight Train
photo credit 博客來
3. Bigmama's
Four African American children travel with their mother, and when the train arrives in Cottondale, Florida, the summer at Bigmama's house begins Donald Crews brilliantly evokes the sights, sounds, and emotions of a memorable childhood experience. Beautifully and richly illustrated, this is a wonderful choice for family reading and classroom sharing. "A very special book by a superb artist and storyteller."--The Horn Book
photo credit 博客來
4.Tomorrow's Alphabet
A is for seed, B is for eggs, C is for milk -- what's going on here? The seed is tomorrows Apple, the eggs are tomorrows Birds, the milk is tomorrows Cheese Explore a wonderful world of possibility with an imaginative alphabet puzzle that encouraged young readers to look beyond the obvious.
photo credit 博客來