新北市中山國小英語日 – 三年級每周一句
youtube https://youtu.be/vyRaNnnPfWU
Class management |
班級經營篇 |
1 |
It’s up to you. |
你自己決定。 |
2 |
Any volunteers? |
有自願的人嗎? |
3 |
Any questions? |
有任何問題嗎? |
4 |
Done? / Are you done? |
完成了嗎? |
5 |
How do you spell it? |
這個字怎麼拼? |
6 |
May I borrow (a red pen)? |
可以借我(一支紅筆)嗎? |
7 |
Can you share (your book) with (him)? |
可以和(他)一起(看書)嗎? |
Encouragement & Praise |
鼓勵讚美篇 |
1 |
Nice try! |
這個嘗試很棒! |
2 |
Keep it up! |
繼續保持喔! |
3 |
Do your best. |
盡力做好。 |
4 |
Go for it. |
放手去做。 |
5 |
Good for you! |
做得好! |
6 |
Don’t give up. |
別放棄。 |
7 |
You can do it! |
你可以的! |
Daily Routine |
日常作息篇 |
1 |
Please open the windows and doors. |
請打開門窗。 |
2 |
Enjoy your meal. |
享用你的餐點 |
3 |
It's time to brush your teeth. |
現在是刷牙時間。 |
4 |
It’s nap time. |
現在是午休時間。 |
5 |
It's time to go home. |
現在是放學回家時間。 |
6 |
Please line up at the hallway. |
請到走廊排隊。 |
7 |
See you tomorrow. |
明天見。 |
Greetings |
禮儀問候篇 |
1 |
How are you? |
你好嗎? |
2 |
I am good. |
我很好. |
3 |
It’s my bad. |
我的錯。 |
4 |
Never mind. |
沒關係。 |
5 |
After you. |
您先請。 |
6 |
Cheer up. |
開心點。 |
7 |
I’m here for you. |
我在你身邊。 |
Ceremony |
典禮活動篇 |
1 |
Please be seated. |
請入座。 |
2 |
Please return to your seat. |
請回座。 |
3 |
Let’s take a group photo. |
讓我們一起合影。 |
4 |
Please follow the rules. |
請遵守規則。 |
5 |
May I have your attention, please? |
請注意。 |
6 |
Let’s call it a day. |
今天的活動到此為止。 |
7 |
Thank you for coming. |
感謝各位的蒞臨。 |