Due to the break out of the CoronaVirus , we move all the lessons online. As for week 11 which is the suspend week for the spring break, we don't have fomal class but we have online trial review lessons for you to get use to the online lesson.
I use the free app called ZOOM, please download it on your phone or computer and remember my meeting code "4738314397". We will have our online lesson on the regular time from 9:10 to 9:50.
In addtion, for practicing the connection between Chinese and English, I made a few Google Quizzes which is 5 % of the total grade. The links as fellow:
vocabulary quiz x 9
sentence quiz x4
LTT 1 TO 8
week 11 lesson plan
class one
Review family member and pet
家人: 爸爸, 妈妈, 姐姐, 妹妹, 哥哥, 弟弟
sentence: 这是我。。。 / 他是我。。。
youtube family voc
宠物: 狗, 猫, 鱼, 兔子,
sentence: 我有一只狗。 你喜欢什么宠物? / 你喜欢不喜欢狗?
youtube animal voc
class two
Review language
语言:英语,德语, 法语, 汉语, 西语, 日语,韩语。
sentence: 我会说——语。 / 你会说什么语言? / 你会不会说汉语?
youtube refernces
country names 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHV79ZSNzfE
country names 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leguKsWVi8s
different dialect of Chinese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqgaZKFlqjE
dialogue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33rnjj3Ue90
工作: 老师, 学生, 助教, 服务员
sentence: 你做什么工作? / 我是。。
youtube refernces
job voc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmRLIak2Qmo
你做什么工作? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xguwPYGiDso
class three
Review game and time
比赛: 足球, 篮球, 棒球 , 星期, 会, 去, 看
sentence: 这个星期有足球比赛 。/ 我会去看足球比赛。
youtube refernces
去 vs 来 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO6fAJD8DKw
时间: 现在几点? / 点, 分, 刻, 半, 上午, 下午, 晚上
sentence: 现在下午三点。 什么时候?
youtube refernces
time voc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGxHpPD9RoU
time sentence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqGkTYDCdOU
时候 vs 时间 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUJDoczhWhw
week schedule from week 12 to week 16
12 0330- 0403 |
Class one review explain assignment & review week Class two U3 grammar Class three new word on page 107 |
LTT3 0320 LTT4 0327 LTT5 0403 |
13 0406- 0410 |
Class one family presentation Class two week review voc and grammar Class three film explain and dia |
LTT6 0410
14 0413- 0417 |
Class one voc p 125 Class two grammar sentence Class three dia / schedule dia oral |
LTT 7 0417 |
15 0420- 0424 |
Class one dia voc p 141 Class two grammar sentence Class three dia |
LTT 8 0424 |
16 0427-0501 |
Class one final oral Class two film festival Class three review |
film festival |
Final exam |
Final exam |