How to make your English sound like Native Speaker.
Leaning English in Taiwan, we can speak with fluency but it's still hard for us to make our English with accuracy. While studying in the US, I joined a program that help me to find my weakness in speaking English and find solutions to adjust my pronunciation. Meanwhile, I try different on-line recourses to make it better.
I offered two materials for you to practice your English. First of all, it is called, "Echo Method" offered by Professor Karen. As a teacher, we did mechanical practice in class but sometimes we forgot to remind our students to LISTEN CAREFULLY and repeat. Second, ELSA SPEAK is an app, I recently used. It has seven days free trail so seize the time to practice.
回音法 (史嘉琳 Karen Steffen Chung )
Echo method 1. listen 2. wait 3. repeat
First, while learning a language, try not to just think about yourself. You have to think about how others feel when they listen to you
Second, when setting a goal for learning a language, don't set up for the goal for passing the quiz or exam. You should be aiming to communicate comfortably and enjoyable with others
Finally, persist and stick with it. Don't try to cram it in the last minutes, do practice a little every day. Just ten Minutes a day and your English will improve out of your expectation.Finally, persist and stick with it. Don't try to cram it in the last minutes, do practice a little every day. Just ten Minutes a day and your English will improve out of your expectation.
youtube 回音法
simple examples
there are some Echo files that Professor shared with us. ( Very useful. ) It's very convenient for kid to practice as well.
Karen Steffen Chung's courses
There are many links that fit in different kinds of needs.
英語語音學 (含發音練習) 一 外文系 Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
If you want to learn more about phonics, NTU has open course that is open to anyone who want to learn. IT'S FREE. ENJOYED :)
Techology makes your English better. I download ELSA Speak and I found that it's easy for me to find my oral weakness.
app store
It has 7 days free trail so you had better practice day by day. In the very beginning, you have to read 20 to 25 sentences that help you to find your weakness. As for me, I am not good at ending sound and th sound as well.
Once you finished the pre-test, it will show different lessons for you to practice. For example, in the lesson it will show you a sentence, you tap the speaker and it will read for you. Then, you press the recorder to repeat the sentence again and the machine will tell you how similar is it to native speakers.