We learned how to make an order in the Chinese Restaurant and we talked about the culture part in the dialogue that Dr.ZZ wrote. Now it's your turn to make a dialogue.
We will go over a Chinese menu and you have to work together to create a real dialogue.
Here is the dialogue Dr. ZZ wrote
Chinese Menu
use the Chinese Menu and create your own dialogue
photo is from https://www.douguo.com/caipu/fenlei
culture - always share your fool
In China and Taiwan, we usually share our food with our families or friends. Thus, when you make a order in the restaurant, you have to ask other's opinion and try to make a balance of it.
Taiwanese people love to take a photo before eat, so that you gave to wait for a while.
Lesson Plan
Read: shadow reading
Grammar focus:
Culture focus:
Role play: switch roles
Re-write the dialogue
Show time
youtube resources
There are some useful youtube for you to learn how to make an order in Chinese Restaurant.
chinese restaurant dialogue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5_Ki1-ma7Y
simple ordering food https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InLWMyXS_NU
top ten chinses dishes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbhqkXDXW0k
how to order coffee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzHFu1JTrp8