As a FLTA in GSU, I took COMPOSITION 1 for rhe fall semester and we use two main material, one is the handbook, "the little red writing book", and the other is the novel " tuesdays with Morrie " and i am going to record what i have learned from this book : "the little red writing book"
introduction :Writing has four pillars,
structure means organisation
Style means the ways to use examples to present your ideas
Readability means easy to read
Grammar means write in correct and acceptable ways
principle 1 write with a top-down approach
Top -down usually set up for an essay or report, which the introduction is one paragraph, the body is three paragraphs, and the conclusion is one paragraph.
Expository writing means explain a topic and you have to conclude in the very beginning whereas fiction or creative writing tends to entertain audience so we usually delayed conclusion.
principle 2 break things down
Topic sentence means summarize the content of a single paragraph
Lead sentence means highlight what items will be discussed in order
principle 3 use transition words
Transition words have four functions
Show contract ( stop and get ready to turn ): however, but, yet, whereas, on the other hand
Show illustration ( enumeration keep going ): first, second, for example, in fact
Show continuation( slow down but keep going ) : furthermore, on the one hand, moreover, undoubtedly, coincidentally,
Show conclusion( you are about to arrive ) : finally, in conclusion, so, therefore, thus , as a result,
principle 4 employ the six basic writing structure
principle 5 keep like things together
principle 6 Support what you say
use specific and concret words to support what you say, "a statement without support merits a denial without reason."
" academic letter of recommendation"
"Job reference letter"
principle 7 Personalize examples
add personal examples to make your writing more memorable
"literary techniques" :
anecdotes: they are little stories used to embellish your point
quatations: a persuasive tool
analogies: it draw similarities between two otherwise dissmilar things and help the reader see a given relationship more clearly.
similes and metaphors: compare two unlike things and are usually introduced by "like" or "as".
principle 8 Keep it simple
use simple word to express your ideas
principle 9 cut down long sentences
make your writing clrarer by dividing up long sentences
principle 10 eliminate needless words
cut out reedundancies and excessive qualification
principle 11 gain active power
favor active sentences, not psaaive sentences
principle 12 favor verbs not nouns
avoid nominalizeing your verbs and adjectives
principle 13 always use parallel forms
express a series of items in consistent, parallel form
parallelism in writing means that we should express similiar parts of a sentence in a consistent way.
principle 14 capitalize on sentence variety
vary the length and beginnings of your sentence
principle 15 choose an appropriate tone
write with a positive, personal tone
principle 16
principle 17
principle 18
principle 19
principle 20
30 rules of Grammar
Using correct Grammatical Idioms
A few highlights on correct punctuation