Name: TzuChun Lin
School: Georgia Southern University
Target Language: Chinese
Grade (circle):
Number of Students:
Target Proficiency Level: Novice middle
Date Submitted: 08/02/2019

Communicative (Real Life or Like-like) Context: real life
Convert Your Learning Objectives into Student-Friendly “I Can” Statements. Refer to the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements & NCSSFL Intercultural Can-Do Statements
(the following definitions are from the webcite above)

The 2017 NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements, the result of collaboration between the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL) and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guide:
- Language learners to identify and set learning goals and chart their progress towards language and intercultural proficiency;
- Educators to write communication learning targets for curriculum, unit and lesson plans;
- Stakeholders to clarify how well learners at different stages can communicate

- Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
- Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
- Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

I can understand simple questions in an infographic.

I can understand the name of the activities that we can do on the celebration of new year.
I can interact with a peer in the target language to get/collect others’ information.

1) Target Competencies: Students can realize what Taiwanese do for the celebration of new year.
2) Target Competencies :Students can use the target sentence to express what her/his plans for the celebration of new year?
3) Target Competencies: Students can share their experiences and realizing different ways to celebrate new year.

Other Objectives Which Support the Communicative Objective
a. Language Function Objective (Check out ACTFL Key Language Functions):
SWBAT talk about the activities of celebrating new year.
SWBAT ask yes-no questions related to the activities of celebrating new year
SWBAT answer yes-no questions related to the activities of celebrating new year
b. Vocabulary Objectives: students can pronounce the word of activities celebrating new year and understand the meaning.
c. Cultural objectives: students can realize different countries may have various ways to celebrate new year like in Taiwan
d. Performance objectives: Students are encouraged to express themselves by the target sentence. Wo kuanian yao qu kan -----.
e. Grammatical Objectives: students can use the correct sentence pattern to express what are they going to do on new year’s eve?

Review verbs that they already known by circle game
What will they do on new year’s eve? (free talks)

Assessment: How will you know what prior learning your students can bring to bear as you start a new topic of learning? How will you know if they are making adequate progress during the learning process? How will you know your students have accomplished your goals/objectives successfully? Fully describe any pre-assessments and/or formative assessment activities that you build into the design of this lesson. Explain how you will share feedback with your learners.
Assessment Type : formative
Description : Find five people from different places and ask them what do they do on new year’s eve?
* Remember to always test (assess) like you teach!

Instructional Activities: On the left, name the activity, indicate the mode(s) of communication on which the activity focuses, tell which of the multiple intelligences is reinforced by this activity, and indicate the approximate amount of time required to complete the activity. On the right, tell the nature of the activity (individual, partner, group, learning center or other), list/bullet all steps of each activity from beginning to end, highlight specific instructional strategies being used, and indicate where any of the standards targeted in the lesson is met.

Greeting. Ni zuotian shui de hao ma? hao (good) / hai hao (okay) / bu hao (not good) Present these three ideas with gestures and ask everyone question.
Let’s review what we had learned with the poster.

Review words with TPR and keep asking Ss questions (shuijiao -sleep / chifan - eat /he shui- drink /dushu- read /xie xin - write / huahua - draw)

T invites Ss to ask question " Ni zai zou shen me? " and T answers with " Wo zai ______. " with actions. (do ask Ss to repeat after teacher.)

T presents the beat 1-2-3-4 and do it with saying the Chinese sentence " Ni zai zou shen me? " and the second beat answering " Wo zai ______. "
1st round each one says the sentence
(after the 1st round. T can ask question like "------ zai zou shen me?" for double checking Ss be ware of others )
2nd round point and say : S just asks the quesiton and point to someone to answer.

1st round : T plays as the ghost, other Ss stand back the line T draw
Rules: T looks at the wall and Ss can ask the question, "Ni zai zou shen me?" and at the talking time Ss can move forward. when teacher answering the question, he / she will turn back and says "Wo zai ______" at the same time all the students have to freezed with the action teacher just said.

Mode(s): Presentational
Time Needed: 5 mins
Standards met: Ss can understand the question T asked

(paste another poster)

point to the date of 12/31 and ask question " Ni kuanian zai zou shen me?"
(students can share their ideas and teacher translates into Chinese) "wo yao qu kan _________________"

teach words “Wo yao qu kan 看___________ .
Teacher ask the question " Ni kuanian zai zou shen me?" and present these activities with gestures . "wo yao qu kan _________________"
Kan yanhou - firework
Kan yanchanghui - concert
Kan dianshi - TV
Kan dianyin - MOVIE
Kan biaoyan - Performance
Kan richu - sunrise
Teacher shows the photo of the picture book to double check Ss know the meaning of each word.

make a cirle and Ss have to say the sentence

rules as above

Ss have to copy the pinyin and whether draw or write its meaning.

rules: each Ss copy 6 words on a piece of paper and T collect those pieces of papers and mix them together. Then, equeally dispatch to Ss.
T plays as the beginer and start to read and pass the word that she / he doesn't want to keep.

Input/Engaging Learners:
Mode(s): intepretive communication
Time Needed:
Standards met: Clarification of meaning is possible through listening, reading and viewing methodology like a Youtube video or a documentary
film to help the students to understand the content that the teacher intends to illustrate.

Teacher reminds the usage of chinese quesiton ma?
Activity 1:
Kan yanhou - firework
Kan yanchanghui - concert
Kan dianshi - TV
Kan dianyin - MOVIE
Kan biaoyan - Performance
Kan richu - sunrise
" Ni kuinian yao qu an _________ma? "
Hao, wo yao qu _________.
Buxin, wo yao qu ______________.

columm of activity of celebrating new year
column of names
Students have to ask question, " Ni kuinian yao qu an _________ma? " and check on the worksheet

T asks questions to double check Ss' understandings.

Independent Practice:
Mode(s): interpersonal
Time Needed:
Standards met: (from list above) :
Let the students read and write the basic words for the practice in pairs with their activities.
Presentational communication
• Giving an oral presentation by using today’s learning
• Evaluate symbols and text with understanding and fluency

T invites Ss to see the picture of the book and invites Ss prediction. T can ask questions to make sure Ss can understand the story.
Assignment : Divide the students into groups , each group makes a simple story or dialogue through the usage of the vocabulary and sentences they learned today.

IMPORTANT: On rehearsal/performance day, remember to turn in all supplementary assessments, activities, worksheets, physical materials, audiovisual materials, etc., along with this lesson plan. This includes a specific, separate list of vocabulary words and any grammar points that you will be teaching.