會知道這個基金會,是因為 2011年 Fulbright 學術交流基金會有一項獎學金計畫(FLTA ),全額獎助有語言教學經驗(華語教學經驗且英語能力要夠好 )的老師,提供機票食宿前往美國10個月,做華語教學助教 以及 文化交流活動。 雖然當時落馬,但是抱持著堅持就是勝利,戲台下站久就是你的,七年後,成功申請到計畫,並將於2019年八月前往美國。身旁的朋友對於 Fulbright 學術交流基金,大多不熟悉或感到陌生,在此稍微介紹一下。
The history of Fulbright Foundation for Scholarly Exchange can be traced back to 1946 when the World War 2 hadended, American gave up taking those military equiments like tanks, houses, military weapons back to the USA. Thus, they sold military things to the local govenment and got some local currency. At that time, they can't change the local money into USA dollars. Therefore, an inutiative of Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, who believed that a program of educational and cultural exchange between the people of United States and those of other nations could play an important role in building lasting world peace. Mr. Fulbright thinks of a way to deal with those huge money. He used his name to set up a foundation that exchange international scholars so that more and more scholars were sent to the USA and made America stronger and stronger.
美國在二戰扮演著極為重要的角色,除了幫助結束亞洲戰場也扮演著大哥的角色,制衡其他國家。因此,當時美國在世界各地有多留有美國的軍事痕跡,這些軍事武器有些無法運回美國的,因此直接銷售給當地的政府,但1940年代,沒有可以兌換國際貨幣的銀行,因此美國拿了許多當地的貨幣,卻無法轉換成美金,正當美國人對這大筆金錢煩惱的時候,Mr. Fulbright 提出的交換學者的計畫。他邀請當地著名的學者,用當地的貨幣購買機票,讓他到美國做研究,把人才知識引進美國,讓世界各地的學者前進美國,讓美國成長茁壯。同時,因為世界各國的學者進駐美國,讓美國人可以了解世界的文化,當然,美國學者也有機會進入世界,把美國文化帶進世界。透過交流,讓我們更了解彼此。
Mr. Fulbright said, "a little more knowledge, a little less conflict."
Purpose of the program: "to enable the goverment of United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of United States and those of other nations." In other words, grants are made to US citizens and nationals of other countries for a variety of educational activities, primarily university teaching, advanced reasearch, graduate studies, non-academic professional programs in specified fields, and language teaching.
FULBRIGHT 在1946年成立,1947年開始第一個學者交流計畫,當時 美國 - 南京 互相有學者交流。1949年,中國領土改朝換代,國民黨政府遷移台灣,因此FULBRIGHT 計畫暫停了一陣子,直到1957年,才又恢復交流至今。Fulbright 雖然學術交流基金會,但是很多功勞是檯面下看不到的,像是最後兩點: 建立長期的關係以及象徵台美友好,交流這種事情,感情基礎還是要有呀!
1. Build knowledge -
2. exchange culture -
3. change life -
4. establish long-term relationship -
5. symbolize Taiwan and USA relatioship -
Fulbright 官方網站
目前fulbright 有多項的獎助學金計畫,幫助這些優秀的人才,出國交流。但是因為知識文化是最重要的因子,所以他只提供一年的簽證,且之後兩年不能用工作簽證,夫妻簽證,綠卡等入境美國,保證你一年後,會將所得所學帶回自己的國家分享,但是不包含學生以及旅遊簽證。
專業人員: 藝術家& 藝術行政類
台塑- 醫療相關
吳靜吉教授 (藝術文化類) : 吳靜吉博士在過去三十多年來對台灣藝文界和台灣傅爾布萊特計畫貢獻卓著,因此學術交流基金會特別成立本獎助金向吳博士致敬。
教師類- 華語助教(10個月) & 卓越教學教師 (半年)
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)
The Fulbright FLTA Program is sponsored by the United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). As part of the Fulbright Foreign Student Program, the Fulbright FLTA Program is designed to develop Americans' knowledge of foreign cultures and languages by supporting teaching assistantships in over 30 languages at hundreds of U.S. institutions of higher education. The program offers educators from over 50 countries the opportunity to develop their professional skills and gain first-hand knowledge of the U.S., its culture and its people. The program also provides opportunities for young English teachers from overseas to refine their teaching skills and broaden their knowledge of American culture and society while strengthening the instruction of foreign languages at colleges and universities in the United States since 1946.
U.S. campuses enhance their teaching of languages and expose students to a true understanding of people of different nations. Like the more than 1,800 Foreign Fulbright Fellows that enter U.S. academic programs each year, Fulbright FLTAs apply to the program through the Fulbright Commission/Foundation or U.S. Embassy in their home countries. The Institute of International Education (IIE) arranges academic placement for most Fulbright FLTA nominees and supervise participants during their stay in the United States.
The Fulbright Program, the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government, is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. The Fulbright Program offers grants to study, teach and conduct research for U.S. citizens to go abroad and for non-U.S. citizens to come to the United States. The primary source of funding is an annual appropriation by the U.S. Congress to the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). Participating governments and host institutions, as well as corporations and foundations in foreign countries and in the United States also provide direct and indirect support.
The Fulbright Program is administered by IIE. We are honored to have worked with the State Department to administer the Fulbright programs Fulbright FLTA.