

Godwin-Jones, R. (2015). Contributing, creating, curating: Digital literacies for language learners. Language Learning & Technology, 19(3), 8–20.

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Levy, M., & Moore, P. J. (2018). Qualitative research in CALL. Language Learning & Technology, 22(2), 1–7.


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  1. What are some examples of evolving technologies for language learning discussed in the essay, and how do they differ from traditional language learning methods?
  2. In what ways do the evolving technologies discussed in the essay address some of the challenges and limitations of traditional language learning methods?
  3. How might language educators incorporate some of these evolving technologies into their teaching practices, and what are some potential benefits and drawbacks of doing so?



Godwin-Jones, R. (2021). Evolving technologies for language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 25(3), 6–26.

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112全大運授旗典禮 期勉選手旗開得勝再創佳績


全國大專校院運動會(National Intercollegiate Athletic Games),是一項供臺灣大學生運動員參加的綜合性體育活動,競賽項目包括田徑、游泳、體操、桌球、羽球、網球、柔道、擊劍、舉重、射擊、空手道、木球、輕艇等。

112全大運授旗典禮 期勉選手旗開得勝再創佳績

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  1. What are some of the challenges and limitations of TELL, and how can they be addressed to ensure that technology is used in a way that benefits all learners?
  2. How can TELL be used to provide learners with personalized learning experiences, and what are some of the benefits of this approach?
  3. In what ways might the field of TELL continue to evolve in the future, and what are some potential implications for language learners and educators?



Based on my role as Editor in Chief of the journal Language Learning & Technology since 2000 and on my experiences as a technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) researcher, developer and teacher, I will provide an overview of recent cutting-edge research on the uses of technologies for second language teaching and learning. I suggest that the “L” in TELL should represent “languaculture” rather than just “language,” as the field of second language education is increasingly placing greater emphasis on the inextricable link between language and culture. I will also look to the future and suggest promising trajectories for TELL development and research.

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