Community service video “TZUTZU TALK SHOW”

Good evening. Today I would like to share a quote of Tuesdays with Morrie. "So many people walk around with a meaningless life they seem half-asleep, even when they are busy doing things they think important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things. The way you got meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you and devote yourself to creating something that gives your purposes and meaning.


Do you get involved in your community? Have you ever done the community service before? Let’s check out how a new comer of Georgia Southern University found her way to get into Statesboro. Let’s check it out.

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Dear all 

we learned the places and positions in Chinese. Now we are going to combine them together. In this unit we are going to learn how to say, "Where is it?" "Where is he/she" in Chinese. Then, we will learn more about how to tell others directions. 

 在哪里? where is it?

youtube song

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Halloween is nothing about scare, it is about fun in the US. If you are a kid, you can join different activities that held by different institutes. If you are adults, you can have fun with different activities as well. Halloween is full of joy and happiness.

In addition, the day of the death is full of memories, families get together and talk about their dearest person.

I am so lucky that I can join both activities



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隨著地球村國際化的時代來臨,英語在現代的生活中已成為不可或缺的一項溝通工具,新北市政府教育局特辦理國小雙語學習營隊計畫,藉由外籍英語教師進行英語遊學體驗,增進學 生英語口語表達能力,以培養孩子學習英語的興趣與信心,進而奠定日後語言學習的基礎。 本市今年度冬令雙語學習營結合新北市推動雙語 CLIL 的理念,整合學科內容及語言知識,讓孩子在生活情境中自然運用英語, 達到育樂與學習雙贏的加乘效果。

  營隊梯次:109 年 2 月 5 日(星期三)至 109 年 2 月 7 日(星期五)


  報名方式、費用及 聯絡事項



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中國文化大學 與中華民國英語文教師學會聯合舉辦 「第二十八屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會」
本次研討會之主題為「Collaboration and Communication in Language Learning and Teaching」,領域涵蓋國家外語教育政策之制定、師資培育、各級各類學校英語課程設計、教材製作與意見之交流。預計參與會議之國內外知名ELT學者專家和國內英語文教師400多人,屆時各出版社亦同時展示其最新教材與教具。






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