- Sep 08 Thu 2022 17:04
漢語語法學 (陳俊光)
- Sep 08 Thu 2022 16:49
第二外語習得研究 (徐東伯)
This textbook is supported with a Companion Website containing instructor and student resources including PowerPoint slides, exercises, stroop tests, flashcards, audio and video
- Sep 08 Thu 2022 16:25
IELTS 口說練習
IELTS: Oral ability
There are two parts that training your oral ability. The first part is simple question about a special topic and the speaker has to try their best to fulfill their answers. The second part is 2 minutes talk: the speaker will be given a topic and he or she has to illustrate / develop the topic into 2 minutes talk and the examiner will ask some fellow up questions. The third part is chain question, which you have to express your opinions clearly and deal with the following questions one by one.
Part one: answer the questions
Topic 1: Housing and Accommodation
- Sep 07 Wed 2022 16:00
IPAD 基本操作與教學應用 (演講)
感謝 聰賢老師 總是熱於分享他在資訊領域的習得,然後用很淺白的方式跟我們分享,讓我們可以在這疫情變動的時代,仍能與時俱進,挑戰資訊融入教學。自從前瞻計畫後,教學現場開始湧入一大批高品質的平板 / 筆電 / 大屏 等等。搭上疫情線上教學與抱持著不浪費的心態,低科技如我,也慢慢嘗試使用資訊融入教學。
聰賢老師YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/c/sbbloger
- Sep 07 Wed 2022 15:22
Lemons are not red x IPAD
因為前瞻計畫所以新北進了一批平板,想要試著融入到我的教學中。先說我的班級經營,因為本人跑班,所以如果要資訊融入教學,通常要跑到圖書館才有空間可使用。我通常都會跟學生說,圖書館是閱讀的地方,請他們自我管理秩序。每堂課程結束,我都會再提醒一下今天好的地方,以及需要改進的地方。如果學生秩序不OK 那麼下堂課,我就會回班上正常上課,所以教案通常我會準備兩個版本,一個資訊, 一個正常版本。