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IB Workshop 1#assessment  Planning: Assignments and Formatives (quiz) to support Summatives (Unit test) 0819




1. Diagnostic Assessment (as Pre-Assessment)

One way to think about it: Assesses a student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction

Another way to think about it: A baseline to work from

Tip: Done at the beginning–of the school year, beginning of a unit, beginning of a lesson, etc.


2. Formative Assessment

One way to think about it: Assesses a student’s performance during instruction, and usually occurs regularly throughout the instruction process

Another way to think about it: Like a doctor’s ‘check-up’ to provide data to revise instruction

Tip: Using digital exit ticket tools like Loop can be an easy means of checking whether students have understood lesson content, while also promoting student reflection.

 Formative tests

A criterion referenced test moves away from comparing one person with another. The profile will test what a child can and cannot do on a precise breakdown of language skills. Take the Syntactic Structures of Chinese course as an example. We will have three quizzes randomly to help the teacher to  monitor student progress and identify areas where students may need additional support.


3. Summative Assessment

Measures a student’s achievement at the end of instruction.


4. Norm-Referenced Assessment

One way to think about it: Compares a student’s performance against other students (a national group or other ‘norm’)

Another way to think about it: Place, group or ‘demographic’ assessment. Many standardized tests are used as norm-referenced assessments.

Tip: These kinds of assessments are useful over time in student profiles or for placement in national-level programs, for example.


5. Criterion-Referenced Assessment

One way to think about it: Measures a student’s performance against a goal, specific objective, or standard

Another way to think about it: a bar to measure all students against


6. Interim/Benchmark Assessment

One way to think about it: Evaluates student performance at periodic intervals, frequently at the end of a grading period. Can predict student performance on end-of-the-year summative assessments. A benchmark assessment is a type of interim assessment so it could be useful to think of them as distinct even though they function in a similar way.

Another way to think about it: Bar graph or chart growth throughout a year, often against specific ‘benchmarks’

Tip: Benchmark assessments can be useful for communicating important facts and data to parents, district officials, and others to, among other goals, inform the allotment of resources (time and money) to respond to that data.


7. Ipsative Assessment
Ipsative assessment tests track the learners’ progress against their previous performance. The learners attempt to improve through comparison with previous results.

This type of assessment considers the fact that comparison with peers is not always a good idea as it might affect their self-confidence. However, comparing with personal previous results helps improve the overall knowledge and personality of the learners.


IB Workshop 1#assessment

8. use 2 examples to illustrate the use of language tests/measurements

Example 1: English Language Proficiency Test

Language proficiency tests are commonly used to measure an individual's level of proficiency in a language. Take TOEIC for example. The TOEIC test is an English language proficiency test for non-native speakers. It measures written and oral comprehension skills in everyday professional and international settings. English is the language of international opportunities. Take freshman English courses at NTNU as an example. If the student can show the TOEIC score is at B2 level, he/she may waive the Freshman English courses. 


Example 2: Language Development Assessment

Language development assessments are used to evaluate a child's language skills and identify any delays or disorders. The assessment typically involves observing the child's ability to use language in a variety of settings and situations, and comparing their language skills to those of other children of the same age. One example of a language development assessment is REVT(Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test華語兒童理解與表達詞彙測驗)

This test is for 3-6 years old children who may have slower language development than others. If the preschool teacher notices the case, he or she may refer the child to a speech-language pathologist who can administer a language development assessment, such as the REVT. Based on the results of the assessment, the speech-language pathologist can develop a treatment plan to address any language delays or disorders and provide recommendations to the teacher and parents on how to support the child's language development.


9. validity

the accuracy of a test in measuring what is purports to measure. A test is considered valid if it measures what it is intended to measure. For instance, a reading comprehension test should accurately measure a person's ability to comprehend written text.


10. formative tests

Formative assessments are generally low stakes, which means that they have low or no point value. The profile will test what a child can and cannot do on a precise breakdown of language skills. Take the Syntactic Structures of Chinese course as an example. We had three quizzes randomly to help the teacher to monitor students’ progress and identify areas where students may need additional support.


11. norm-referenced language exams

A norm-referenced test measures a candidate's mark against what other people are achieving in the same test.  A norm referenced test of reading ability, for example, may enable the teacher to compare one student with a national or regional average (norm). The student can then be exactly placed in an ordered list (e.g. in the top 16%)

Take the SAT in the US for an example. The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. It was scored on a range from 200 to 800. The College Board states that the SAT is intended to measure literacy, numeracy and writing skills that are needed for academic success in college. If you want to enroll in a nice college like Harvard or Ivy University, the higher SAT, the more opportunities. 


12. provide 2 criterion-referenced language exams

Criterion-referenced language exams are assessments that measure a person's language abilities based on specific criteria or standards, rather than comparing their performance to that of their peers. These exams are designed to evaluate a person's knowledge and skills in a particular area of language development, and can be used to identify areas of strength and weakness in their language abilities.

  1. Take the Arizona Language and Learning Scale (ALLS) as an example. It is a criterion-referenced language exam that assesses language development in children ages 3-6 years old. It measures specific language skills such as vocabulary, syntax, and morphology, and is designed to help identify areas of strength and weakness in a child's language development.

  2. Take The Clinical Assessment of Language Comprehension (CALC) for another example. It is a criterion-referenced language exam that measures a person's understanding of spoken language. It assesses skills such as following directions, answering questions, and understanding idiomatic language, and is often used to evaluate language comprehension in children with developmental delays or disorders.


13. provide two types of psychometric language tests

Psychometric language tests are standardised assessments designed to measure various aspects of language development, including receptive language (the ability to understand spoken or written language) and expressive language (the ability to use language to communicate effectively). They often involve a series of standardised tasks or questions that are designed to assess specific language-related skills, such as vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and pragmatics.

  1. The first type of psychometric language tests is Intelligence Tests. (IQ) These tests measure a person's cognitive abilities, including language skills. The most widely used intelligence test is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) which assesses a wide range of abilities, including verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. The WAIS includes several subtests that evaluate different aspects of language abilities, such as vocabulary, comprehension, and verbal fluency.

  2. The second type of psychometric language tests is The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF). It assesses a child's language abilities across a range of areas including semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. It is often used for children ages 5 to 21. The CELF is designed to measure a child's language abilities in comparison to their peers. It provides standardised scores that are based on a large sample of children who are the same age as the child being tested. These scores can help identify areas where a child may be experiencing difficulty and can be used to develop individualized education plans to support the child's language development.


14. critical language testing

Critical language testing refers to the examination of language assessment practices from a critical perspective. This involves analyzing how language tests are developed, administered, and interpreted in order to identify potential biases or limitations, and to consider the broader social and cultural context in which language testing takes place. Critical language testing examines the uses and consequences of tests in education and society and thus views test takers as political subjects in a political context: e.g., the high-stakes lang assessment of K-12 emergent bilingual students in the US and the use of English proficiency exams (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS) as a gatekeeping mechanism for which international students are allowed to enter universities in English-speaking countries. Take IELTS for an example. If you want to study in the UK, at least you have to get 6.5 in IELTS. 


IB Workshop 1#assessment  How to make a chair? think the formative test 

set the target
why: who is the target ? how : materials and designing. what: step by stey
Design Sketch
Material Selection Quiz
Tool Identification
Safety Guidelines Worksheet
Prototype Presentation
Progress Journal: 
Peer Review
Mock Assembly

IB Workshop 1#assessment  more detail ( Designers: Emily, Hamish, Henry, Ulla )




Week 1

Class introduction

Check Syllabus and Rubrics



Group Discussion: 

Set Up the Target Audience (New Rubric) 

Discuss the Functions 


Material Introduction

Tool Identification

Material Selection Quiz

Tool Identification Quiz


Safety Guidelines 

Safety Guidelines Worksheet


Group First Presentation


(1st Meeting with the Tutor)

Check Availability 


Writing Adjustments 


Group First Presentation: Model proposal

Check Availability 


Writing Adjustments 


First Draft (3D PRINTING)






How to Do It: Procedure 


Midterm Exam


Mock Assembly


(2nd Meeting with the Tutor)

Progress Journal







Presentation - peer review 


Presentation - peer review 





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