

  全民英檢官方網站 https://www.gept.org.tw/exam_intro/t01_introduction.asp






三層法: 直接回答問題 - 延伸 - 總結論

減減加: 面對喜好當然可以回答NO 或是 I don't 記得在中間說明原因,最後加註一個正面的事物



1 How do you spell your first name?

2 Do you go to restaurants? Why or why not?

3 Do you like to travel? Why or why not?

4 What do you do for fun?

5 What TV show do you like to watch the most? Why?

6 How many people are there in your family?

7 Do you enjoy fast food? Why or why not?

8 Do you like going shopping? Why or why not?

9 When is your birthday?

10 What did you do last night?你昨晚做了什麼

11 Do you play baseball? Why or why not?你打棒球嗎?為什麼或為何不?

12 What kind of music do you like the best? Why?你最喜歡什麼類型的音樂?為什麼?

13 Where were you born?你的出生地在哪?

14 Who is the most unforgettable person in your life? 生命中最難忘的人?

15 What is the last movie you watched? 最近看過哪一部電影?

16 Who is your best friend? What is he or she like? 誰是你最好的朋友?他或她是怎樣的人呢?

17 What holiday is your favorite? Why? 你最喜歡的節日?為什麼?

18 Where do your grandparents live?你的祖父母住哪?

19 What are you wearing today? 你今天穿什麼呢?

20 How often do you watch TV? What do you usually watch?你常看電視嗎?你通常看什麼?

21 How do you get to school? How long does it take to get there? 你怎麼上學的?要花多久呢?

22 How do you feel when you get the flu? 當你得流感時你感覺如何?

23 Do you like reading? Why or why not? 你喜歡閱讀麼?為什麼或為何不?

24 Do you like comic books? Why or why not? 你喜歡漫畫書嗎?為什麼或為何不?

25 What day is today? 今天星期幾?

26 What did you have for breakfast this morning? 今天早上你吃什麼?

27 What is your favorite color? 你最喜歡的顏色?為什麼?

28 What special things do people usually do during Chinese New Year? 中國新年人們通常會做什麼?

29 What's the weather like in your hometown? 你家鄉的天氣如何?

30 What's your favorite dessert? 你最喜歡的點心是什麼?

31 When do you wash your face? 你何時洗臉呢?

32 Where are you going this weekend? What will you do there? 這週末你將去哪?你將在那裡做什麼?

33 Where do you usually go shopping? 你通常去哪購物呢?

34 Where is Kaohsiung? Is it far from your home? 高雄在哪?離你家遠嗎?

35 Which season do you like the best? Why? 你最喜愛的季節?為什麼?

36 Your friend is speaking too quickly. What would you say to him? 當你的朋友講話太快了,你會對他說什麼?

37 There is going to be an exhibit at the museum. 即將舉辦的展覽,你會詢問什麼?

38 How much time do you usually spend eating breakfast in the morning? 通常你會花多少時間吃早餐?

39 A person calls one phone and wants to talk to your sister but she is not at home. 有人打電話找你的妹妹但她不在

40 There is a dog following you from school. What will you do? 放學時有隻狗跟著你,你將怎麼做?

41 How was the traffic on your way here? 你來這裡的交通如何?

42 Do you like riding a bicycle? 你喜歡騎腳踏車嗎?

43 Tell me about your hometown. 描述你的家鄉

44 Do you think TV is good for children? 你認為電視對孩子有益嗎?

45 How do you go to school every day? 你每天如何上學?

46 Is your family a big one or a small one? 我家是小家庭還是大家庭?

47 Describe your living room at home. 描述你家的客廳。

48 If you had to live in either Kaohsiung or Taipei, which one would you choose? 如果你必須選擇住高雄或台北,你會選擇哪裡?

49 Do you often go to the movies? Why or why not? 你常去看電影嗎?為什麼或為何不?

50 Do you think it's okay for guys to grow long hair? 你認為男生留長髮好嗎?

51 Have you ever been to a concert 你曾經去過演唱會嗎?

52 How do you usually celebrate your birthday? 你通常如何慶祝生日?

53 What is your favorite sport? 你最喜歡的運動是什麼?

54 When do you usually go to bed? 你通常何時睡覺?

55 Your sister Linda got a love letter. You are very curious about it. What would you ask her? 你的妹妹收到一封情書,你會跟他問什麼?

56 Do you play video games when you are free? 你有空時會玩電動嗎?

57 Do you keep a pet? 你養寵物嗎?

58 Your friend, Brian, will not be here next semester. What will you say to him? 你的同學下學期將離開了,你會對他說什麼?

59 Where do you usually go after school? 放學後你通常去哪?

60 How often do you go to the convenience store? 你多久會去便利商店呢?

61 You are waiting for the bus. Suddenly, someone pushes you. What would you say to him? 等公車時突然有人推你,你會對他說什麼?

62 Which subject do you like more, English or Chinese? Please explain why. 哪個科目你較喜歡,英語或國語?請解釋

63 How do you usually celebrate your birthday? 你通常如何慶祝生日?

64 You want to talk to your friend George on the phone. What will you say to the person who answers the phone? 你打電話找朋友,你會對接電話的人說什麼?

65 You are at a store buying something, but you want a better price. What would you say to the salesperson? 當你購物時你希望能打折,你會對店員說什麼?

66 A friend gives you an expensive gift that you really like. What would you say to him or her? 朋友送了你很喜歡的禮物給你,你會對他說什麼?

67 What are your future plans? 你的未來計畫是什麼?

68 You get lost trying to get to the bus station. Ask someone for directions. 當要去公車站時你迷路了,要如何問路呢?

69 You are at a hospital visiting a sick friend. What would you say when you are ready to leave?


70 Tell me about your parents. 談談你的父母

71 What do you do? 你的職業?

72 What would you do if you found a cockroach in your soup at a restaurant? 當在餐廳用餐時,你發現一隻蟑螂在你的湯裡你會怎麼辦?

73 If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Why? 如果你可以選擇任何地方去旅行,你會去哪?

74 At a restaurant, you order spaghetti, but the waiter serves you fried rice by mistake. What do you do?


75 Your friend doesn't look well. What do you say to them? 你的朋友看起不舒服,你會對他們說什麼?

76 Your friend invites you to go out for dinner, but you can't go. What do you say? 你的朋友邀請你外出吃晚餐。你會說什麼?

77 Do you sort your trash? Why or why not? 你會做垃圾分類嗎?

78 Do you keep a diary? 你寫日記嗎?

79 You must go to Taipei with your grandfather on the train immediately. What would you say to the person at the ticket booth?


80 You are at KFC for lunch. After ordering, you can't find an empty table. What would you do? 你在肯德基用午餐,點餐後卻發現沒有空位。你會怎麼辦?

81 Tell me about one of your hopes. 說說你其中的一個願望。

82 You are waiting for a friend and they are late. They finally arrive and say they are sorry. How do you respond?


83 Are you scared of any sort of bugs? 你害怕什麼蟲蟲嗎?

84 What do you do when you feel sad? 當你難過時你會做什麼?

85 How many times do you brush your teeth in a day? 你一天刷幾次牙?

86 Who is your best friend? Why? 誰是你最要好的朋友?為什麼?

87 You meet your friend's friend for the first time. Her name is Connie. What would you say to her?


88 If you needed assistance from someone, how would you ask them for help?如果你需要有人幫忙,你會怎麼尋求幫忙呢?

89 Can you cook anything? If so, what can you make?你會煮東西嗎?如果會,你會煮什麼?

90 While you are watching a movie, your father asks you to go to the store for him. What would you do?


91 Do you have cable TV at home?你家有第四台嗎?(有線電視)

92 Who do you look up to?你尊敬誰呢?

93 How do you improve your English conversation skills?你如何改進你的英語會話能力?

94 You get home one night and realize you are locked out. You don't have your keys and no one is home. What would you do?


95 If your friend failed an important test, what would you say to make him or her feel better?


96 If your friends came to see you at home, what would you say to make them feel relaxed?


97 How can we become healthier?我如變更健康呢?

98 You see an old friend that you haven't seen for many years. What do you say to him?你見到一個多年不見得老友,你會對他說什麼話?

99 What would you say to introduce a good friend to your father?你會說什麼來介紹你的好友給你父親認識呢?

100 When you give someone a present, what should you say to them?當你送禮給人時,你會說什麼?

101 What would you do if someone took your seat in the movie theater?在電影院裡,如果有人坐了你的位子,你會怎麼辦?

102 Give a short introduction of yourself.請你簡短的自我介紹一下。

103 There is a phone call for your father, but he isn't at home. What would you say to the caller?


104 You are studying at the library. The boys at the next table are talking loudly. What would you do?


105 What time do you get up on Sundays?週日你都幾點起床?

106 What would you do if the electricity went out while you were taking a bath?當你正在浴室洗澡時,突然停電了你會怎麼辦?

107 What would you do if your friend looked upset?如果你的朋友看起來心情不是很好你會怎麼辦?

108 What would you do if you won a million dollars?如果你贏得一百萬元你會怎麼做?

109 Do you like to play computer games? Why or why not?你喜歡玩電腦遊戲嗎?為什麼?或為什麼不?

110 Do you have any credit cards? Why or why not?你有信用卡嗎?為什麼?或為什麼不?

111 You are at a friend’s house for a visit. It is time to go. What would you say?你到朋友家拜訪,該離開了。你會說什麼?

112 If your friend’s pet died, what would you say?你朋友的寵物死了,你會說什麼?

113 You’re at the checkout counter of a department store. After the clerk finishes totaling up your items, you realize you forgot your wallet. What would you say to the clerk?你正在百貨公司的收銀檯結帳。在收銀員幫你加總你所購買的商品後,你意識到你忘了帶皮包。你會對收銀員說什麼?

114 Does taking this test bother you?參加這次考試會困擾你嗎?

115 You are at a steak house for dinner. The waiter asks you, “How would you like your steak done?” How do you answer them?


116 You run into your friend, Paul at supermarket. What would you say to him?你在超市巧遇你的朋友。你會對他說什麼?

117 How often do you get your hair cut?你多久剪一次頭髮?

118 If you wanted to invite Leo to lunch, what would you say to him?如果你想邀請里歐吃午餐,你會對他說什麼?

119 Someone is talking to you, but you don’t understand what they said to you. What do you say to them?


120 When you give someone a present, what should you say to them?當你送禮給人時,你會說什麼?


 全民英檢 初級





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