+1. 能用字母拼讀法(PHONICS)拼出單字
二,英語單字暖身活動 warm up activity: present new words
中年級的孩子,在教導之前需要多一點的WARM UP,讓他們產生興趣,增加他們學習的欲望,以及專心的時間,所以可以利用空氣寫字,讓學生猜猜字母,或是讀老師的嘴唇猜猜看是什麼單字,亦或是簡單的TPR都能引起中年級孩子的學習興趣。


Envelope Hiding pictures: cut three holes on the envelope and put flash card in it. Ss have to guess which word it is.
三,英語單字發展活動 presentation: phonics teaching
the main points in teaching phonics are Rhyming, segmenting and blending.教導自然發音法的主要目標是幫助學生發現押韻,能分辨單音,最後能組合單音。所以在設計活動的時候,不能忘記這三個教學大重點。以下設計的三個活動,中高年級都可以適用唷。
phonics wheel
phonics twist
phonics monopoly
四,英語單字練習活動 practice
5. rock my beat:
a.Teacher demonstrates the tempo is -- ” bom bom clap hands “
b. each student take one word card and put on the table.
c. all the students practice the tempo ” bom bom clap hands “
d. paper scissors stone to decide who goes first
e. the beginner has to present two beat, the first one is his/her word and the second one is other member’s word.
f. When others performs your word, which shows it’s your turn, you have to present two beat, the first one is your word and the second one is other member’s word.
g. once there is someone who can’t follow the tempo, he/ she will have one more word card. And he/she has to present three beat, the first two is his/her word and the second one is other member’s word.
h. the one with the least cards, the winner.
6. follow my tempo
- Teacher demonstrates the tempo is -- ” bom clap hands snap fingers“
- In the beginning, while students clapping hands, he/she has to say the phonics word at the same time.
- The next one has to follow the phonics rule to create a new word and others keep going.
- once there is someone who can’t follow the tempo, he/ she will have one more word card.
- h. the one with the least cards, the winner.
五,英語單字產出活動 production

六,英語單字總結 wrap up