There are a bunch of learning materials for you to practice Chinese stroke-order
 Learn how to write Chinese stroke-order
 by website from Taiwan 
This website is made by Taiwanese Education Bureau for people who are getting to know Chinese.   
 by website from China 
This website show Chinese words in detail from its origin to the stroke-order
  Learn Chinese Stroke-order with animation 
Tradtional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
more resources
a nice article show you how to write in Chinese 
from youtube 
if you can type in PINYIN than you got more resources on Youtube, just type : "How to write ____ " and there are bunches of materials popping out on youtube 
youtube : trainchinese ( how to write Chinese in order) 
app key word "Chinese stroke-order"
APP: 跟我写汉字
    GSUCHIN1001 華語教學

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