女權可以牽扯到很多個面向,可以從亞洲觀點來說,就是母親在家庭中的定位,大多數社會的刻板觀念就是,媽媽要做家事,女性要主內等等,但是面對新時代,愈來愈多的雙薪家庭,我們可以看見女性在各種職場擔任要職,台灣更有第一位女性總統,如果要跟課程連結的話,母親節就是個很好切入的議題。從中東觀點來說,女性為家族的所有品,沒有自己的權利,許多事情必須要依賴男性,但時代變遷,現在的中東女性有了不同的選擇,馬拉拉就是一個很棒的例子。從女性工作權來說,工作對於女性的制約越來越少,在各行各業中都可以看見女性的存在,老師可以從 Mighty Mommies and Their Amazing Jobs 開啟孩子對於職業的刻板印象,之後再連結到第一個女性飛行員跟第一個黑人女性太空員等等。最後探討的是黑人女性的投票權,可以從不同眼光去探討不同國家的政策。



   The Very Tired and Hungry Pandemic Mommy

是的,這本書跟 THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR 有異曲同工之妙,老師們可以前後介紹兩本書,做延伸教學唷。

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照片來源 博客來  https://www.books.com.tw/products/F017299235?sloc=main

We believe in the power of laughter to heal and connect us to one another. Visit us at humorhealsus.com or follow us on Instagram @Humorhealsus.   



Mr. Piggott and his sons are a male chauvinist lot who, outside of yelling for their dinner, don't exercise themselves much around the house. When Mrs. Piggott finally tires of the endless chores that sandwich her workday, she leaves the menfolk on their own, with a note saying, 'You are pigs.' With the cooking and housework untended, they soon turn genuinely porcine, a transformation Browne foreshadows with pig faces on the wallpaper, vases, fireplace, phone. As in most of Browne's art, there is more than a touch of irony and visual humor here. Fun to read aloud.-- Bulletin, Center for Children's Books.

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照片來源 博客來  https://www.books.com.tw/products/F011303042?sloc=ms2_6


  女性人權 - 中東地區 ( 沙烏地阿拉伯 ) 


NIKE WOMEN SPORTS  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-UO9vMS7AI


    Malala’s Magic Pencil

As a child in Pakistan, Malala made a wish for a magic pencil that she could use to redraw reality. She would use it for good; to give gifts to her family, to erase the smell from the rubbish dump near her house. (And to sleep an extra hour in the morning.)

As she grew older, Malala wished for bigger and bigger things. She saw a world that needed fixing. And even if she never found a magic pencil, Malala realized that she could still work hard every day to make her wishes come true.
This beautifully illustrated picture book tells Malala's story, in her own words, for a younger audience and shows them the worldview that allowed her to hold on to hope and to make her voice heard even in the most difficult of times.


照片來源 博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F014445293


 Malala: My Story of Standing Up for Girls’ Rights

A chapter book edition of Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai's bestselling story of courageously standing up for girls' education. Malala's memoir of a remarkable teenage girl who risked her life for the right to go to school is now abridged and adapted for chapter book readers. Raised in a changing Pakistan by an enlightened father from a poor background and a beautiful, illiterate mother, Malala was taught to stand up for what she believes. Her story of bravery and determination in the face of extremism is more timely than ever.
In this edition, Malala tells her story in clear, accessible language perfect for children who are too old for Malala's Magic Pencil and too young for her middle-grade memoir. Featuring line art and simplified back matter, Malala teaches a new audience the value of speaking out against intolerance and hate: an inspiring message of hope in Malala's own words.

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照片來源 博客來  https://www.books.com.tw/products/F014286049?loc=P_br_r0vq68ygz_D_2aabd0_C_2



Malala Yousafzai, the educational campaigner from Swat Valley, Pakistan, became the youngest-ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, at age seventeen. Malala champions universal access to quality education through the Malala Fund (malala.org).


ellen show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6Pz9V6LzcU

UN SPEECH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SClmL43dTo

Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hx0ajieM3M

HER STORY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIqOhxQ0-H8


    Mighty Mommies and Their Amazing Jobs

Mighty Mommies and Their Amazing Jobs is an engaging and easy-to-read rhyming picture book that teaches children about STEM careers (doctor, dentist, scientist, paleontologist) and service careers (firefighter, police officer, teacher). This book is packed with colorful illustrations and a simple discussion of what each job entails.


照片來源 博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F017298320




NIKE GIRLS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_iCIISngdI




  I Am Amelia Earhart

"Kids always search for heroes, so we might as well have a say in it," Brad Meltzer realized, and so he envisioned this friendly, fun approach to biography - for his own kids, and for yours. Each book tells the story of one of America's icons in an entertaining, conversational way that works well for the youngest nonfiction readers, those who aren't quite ready for the Who Was series. Each book focuses on a particular character trait that made that role model heroic. For example, Amelia Earhart refused to accept no for an answer; she dared to do what no one had ever done before, and became the first woman to fly a plane all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. This book follows her from childhood to her first flying lessons and onward to her multi-record-breaking career as a pilot.

This engaging series is the perfect way to bring American history to life for young children, and to inspire them to strive and dream.

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照片來源 博客來  https://www.books.com.tw/products/F013026478



  Mae Among the Stars

When Little Mae was a child, she dreamed of dancing in space. She imagined herself surrounded by billions of stars, floating, gliding, and discovering.

She wanted to be an astronaut.

Her mom told her, "If you believe it, and work hard for it, anything is possible.”

Little Mae’s curiosity, intelligence, and determination, matched with her parents' encouraging words, paved the way for her incredible success at NASA as the first African American woman to travel in space.

This book will inspire other young girls to reach for the stars, to aspire for the impossible, and to persist with childlike imagination. 


照片來源 博客來  https://www.books.com.tw/products/F014070044


  Mae Jemison: A Kid's Book About Reaching Your Dreams

Sometimes, we are faced with challenges that seem insurmountable. But with grit and hard work, one can achieve great things!





   The Day Gogo Went to Vote

Illustrated in rich pastels, this child's-eye view of an important milestone in South African history allows young readers to experience every detail of this eventful day.

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照片來源 博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F010097944


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