如果你就讀台師大華語教學研究所,又剛好有國內的教師證,那麼你在三月四月的時候,可以考慮報名參加 台師大的國際教師學分學程 : 華語文教育組。這個是國內很夯的IB學校體系的教師證。拿華語文組為例子,如果你修畢專業18學分,加上教育學程10學分 (可以折抵) ,之後參與相關研習工作坊,實習兩個月,加英語能力B2證明後,就可以拿到國際教師證。未來如果要出國去相關IB 體系學校教書,應該會有一定的優勢。





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 官方網站 https://www.ocs.ed.jp/




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黃曉嵐 (2009)。我國二年制專科學校與日本專門學校美容科課程之比較研究。國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系碩士論文。台北市·


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Self-introduction (topic)
1. Present your background, like major, personality, interests, sex, hometown,etc. (supporting details)
2. Share a quote (citation, a statement from someone famous) that profoundlyinfluences you (persuasion, legal support to bolster one’s argument)
3. Tell an impressive lie (creativity)

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IB Study Plan

As an experienced English teacher with over ten years of teaching experience, my teaching philosophy is centered around student-centered learning and the incorporation of new knowledge and materials into my classroom. I believe that each student is unique and learns differently, and as such, I strive to create an inclusive classroom environment that fosters learning and growth.
To achieve this, I utilize a variety of teaching methods, including project-based learning, collaborative learning, and experiential learning, to cater to the diverse needs of my students. Furthermore, I constantly adapt my teaching style to integrate new concepts, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), into my curriculum to ensure my students receive a relevant and holistic education. In addition, I am a firm believer in using technology as a tool to enhance learning. By integrating technology into my teaching methods, I create a dynamic learning environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and engagement. Ultimately, my goal as an educator is to create an atmosphere of learning and growth where students feel empowered to take ownership of their education and develop the skills necessary to succeed in today's rapidly changing world.
Besides, The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a globally recognized and respected education program that has become increasingly popular among high school students around the world. As an aspiring educator, I believe that taking the IB course will provide me with numerous benefits that will be advantageous to my personal and professional growth.
      Firstly, following the global trend of pursuing an IB education is one of the main reasons why I want to take this course. In today's rapidly changing world, having a broad perspective and a global mindset is essential for success. By studying the IB program, I will be exposed to a diverse range of subjects and cultures, which will broaden my worldview and prepare me to become a global citizen.

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