Coco is one of my favorite movie, for Coco I had been to Mexico for two weeks to experience different cultures during winter break.



1. white and black colour 

2. two brushes 

3. powder and puff 

4. other colours 




- take the black color and find the edge of your hairline on the forehead, and draw a line from the forehead to the eyebrow of both sides.

- Use your hand to make the shadow extended to the temple of each side. 

- take the black color and draw a semi-circle from one temple to another and extend it to the hairline.

- raise your eyebrow and take the shadow color to draw a link on the folds on the forehead. 


- take the white color to draw a line under the lower eyelash

- take the purple color to draw a semi-circle along the fold of the upper eyelash

- take the black color and follow the eye orbit to draw a big circle along the eye frame and eyebrow.

- use the black color to fill in the eye orbit. 

- take the purple color and draw 7 dots from the middle of the cheek bone to the temple. 

- take the purple color to draw 7 semi-ovals from the eyebrow to the temple.  


- use the black color and draw an upside down V on nostril

- use the white color to draw a circle on the facet and columellate.


- take the black color and draw a line along the cheek bone 

- take the black color and draw a line along

- smile and use black color to draw two straight lines on the chin

- Connect three lines (cheek, jaw and chin) and fill in black. 

- take the purple to draw a flower shape above the cheek bone.


- take the black color and draw two lines along the trachea 

- take the black color to draw a horizontal line on the throat knot  and draw another horizontal line in the middle of clavicle bone. 

- take the white color to fill in white inside the line. 

- Take the black color to fill the neck into black expect for the line area. 


- take the white color to fill the whole face in white except for the black area.   

H: power the whole face and neck



stage makeup coco




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