
不是第一次出國當交換人員,但是這次外派一年,一個人,可能有很多東西沒有適應期,要直接面對。感謝FULBRIGHT 基金會的Dr. Vocke 一直給我們灑消毒水及即強力施打強心針,讓我們相信: 我們既然能站在這裡,就代表我們有足夠的能力可以面對即將到來的一切。當然,基金會也邀請曾在台灣美國兩地都生活過的學者,邀請他們跟我們分享: 如何面對 文化衝擊,紀錄如下

What is culture shock ?

Culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one's own; it is also the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social environments, or simply transition to another type of life.

the 4 stages of culture shock


1. honeymoon stage :  often overwhelmingly positive during which travelers become infatuated with the language, people and food in their new surroundings. At this stage, the trip or move seems like the greatest decision ever made, an exciting adventure to stay on forever.

2. frustration stage :  the fatigue of not understanding gestures, signs and the language sets in and miscommunications may be happening frequently. Small things — losing keys, missing the bus or not being able easily order food in a restaurant — may trigger frustration. And while frustration comes and goes, it’s a natural reaction for people spending extended time in new countries.

3. adjustment stage : Frustrations are often subdued as travelers begin to feel more familiar and comfortable with the cultures, people, food and languages of new environments. Navigation becomes easier, friends and communities of support are established and details of local languages may become more recognizable during the adjustment stage.

4. acceptance stage : Acceptance doesn’t mean that new cultures or environments are completely understood, rather it signifies realization that complete understanding isn’t necessary to function and thrive in the new surroundings. During the acceptance stage, travelers have the familiarity and are able to draw together the resources they need to feel at ease.


How to deal with culture shock   (CHIH-CHIN CHOU 2018-2019 SENIOR SCHOLAR)

1. if people don't like your food / culture and etc, please take it easy.

2. facing to multi-culture, not only accepted it but also knowing the differences.

3. be direct and be willing to ask questions  ( find the balance )

4. go to the counseling room or find someone to talk (talk table - start a talk with unknown field)

5. become good friends with librarian the smartest person in the campus.

6. the consumption of small things (stationary)

7. get help from Taiwanese association

ways to conquer culture shock (CHIA-CHI TENG 2018-2019 SENIOR SCHOLAR)

1. stretch your boundary: level up your confort zone

2. don't act like a tourist: be part of your community. do the things just like the locals did.

3. inprove your English : know the real meaning of cold joke

4. observant proactive assertive

5. ask (RIGHT) questions

6. respect intellectural properties : make sure everything in your computer is authorized

7. anything else? love your ceral + dryer friendly clothes + climate adjustment



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